Keynote Speaker Debbra Sweet is the Voice of Power of Leadership on the Brian Britt Radio Show

Tuesday February 8, 2011 The voice of Power of Leadership, founder of Sweet Marketing Solutions, keynote speaker and New York Times best selling author, Debbra Sweet hit San Diego’s airwaves on the Brian Britt radio show.


PRLog (Press Release)Feb 13, 2011 – Debbra Sweet is no stranger behind a microphone. In fact, her years of experience as a music performance major, professional speaker and radio show host clearly comes through when she’s live on air speaking about subjects she is passionate about.  On Tuesday, February 8, 2011, Debbra joined San Diego radio show host Brian Britt, on his new show called More Than Just About the Money.

The Brian Britt Show: More than Just About the Money is a show whose promise to listeners is to enlighten, educate, and deliver high value content on wealth creation. One distinct aspect about this show is that it’s not just about the money.

Wealth is a very wide subject-and most people only focus on the financial side. Although that is a key component when talking about personal wealth Brian believes
that the most successful and wealthiest people have a knowledge base and understanding that allows for work life balance.

There needs to be balance and wealth in the area of health, thinking, leadership, spirituality, business management, communication, effective marketing, family, and leisure time.

Debbra Sweet is a multifaceted entrepreneur who is known for being the founder of the national integrated marketing communications firm, located in San Diego, as well as being one of the lead authors in the Power of Leadership books as well as being the voice of the Power of Leadership radio.

Brian talks with local author and speaker Debbra Sweet about her Power of Leadership book series. Learn how networking with a plan can produce results and bring business to your company. Find out how Debbra helps her clients gain visibility, credibility and profit.

Brian and Debbra focused this show around one of the books in the power of leadership series called “The Power of Leadership in Business Networking.”  This is book 4 in a series of 12 written by Debbra Sweet and her husband Daniel Sweet. “The Power of Leadership in Business Networking.” is a book filled with experiential insight not only on leadership as well as networking for the sake of doing business… but most importantly, the book teaches the reader how to be a leader when networking. This revolutionary concept has been helping business professionals around the world understand many of the nuances that a leader needs to address in every element of networking.

Sweet also shares on the show with Brian that her belief in leadership is a bit controversial. Never one to shy away from asking tough questions, or taking an uncomfortable position on things-when it comes to the age old question of whether readers are born or whether they are made, the majority of people take the position that leaders are made. Sweet takes the position that leaders are born. On the show, she reveals why and then continues to deliver important insights to the listening audience on how they too can become empowered and be a leader today that truly does deliver results.

This show originally aired on and can be heard in archives by searching for the Brian Britt radio show.

For more information on Debbra Sweet, the Power of Leadership books, or Sweet Marketing Solutions go to:

Ethical Marketing- A topic for San Diego Radio Air Waves?

Last night I was talking to someone about the possibility of being back on San Diego radio as a co-host on a radio show. The topic of conversation about the purpose of the show is very interesting, and it has me thinking about the timing of this opportunity.

The host of the show is an advocate for people in the area of finance. He’s not a financial planner like many radio shows hosts are.  Instead, what he does is he works for people and he stands up for their rights to be treated fair and ethically when it comes to many areas of their money, income, finance, business and credit.

When we were talking about how I can possibly be a fit as a co-host of the show, we were looking at the different types of businesses that I do and the areas of expertise I offer.

The two key parts that I thought could be a fit if I were to go back on air would be in the areas:  of marketing and leadership.

Over the years, I have said often that sometimes my ethics and my morality(as two of my core values) are so strong that it actually  causes me to lose potential business opportunities.  We’ve kind of chuckled about this,  shrugged our shoulders,  then quickly dismissed the thought of being anything other than ethical or having integrity in our business practices. Those two core values are simply part of who I am and how I am hardwired.  And it’s also reflected in all of the people that are part of the teams in my businesses.

For me the interesting side of the timing of this show host coming to me is that only, about three weeks ago, I was doing research looking to see if consumers or business owners were actually interested in an ethical marketing or in working with,  ethical leadership and business.

This research was prompted by a couple of weeks worth of phone calls to business owners at the end of this last year and early in the new year.  We talked to a large amount of businesses.  They were very interested in wanting to do marketing with us, especially online marketing, which is one of our specialties. But the common theme that kept being told to us was that “they were afraid to try anything new, because they had gotten burned by everyone else that came along”.

Over the last year, another thing that I had been seeing way too often with clients and potential clients were marketing contracts that were unbelievably vague and expensive. The companies  that were to provide the services simply would never be able to follow through, nor did they! Those so called ‘experts’ just took these business owners money and were o.k. with doing little to no work for it.

I helped many companies get out of costly contracts so that they could have cash flow to work with our company.  That’s really not part of my job. It’s just my heart.  By doing this, then they have funds for us to  provide them honest ethical, and most importantly effective marketing that actually help them make money.

So the tie-in to the possibility of being on the show is the perspective that evidently- as a marketing firm-Sweet Marketing Solutions has positioned itself to be more than just an integrated marketing company. We are in essence, an advocate for business owners in the area of marketing.

We always have been this way.  I can see from this perspective that what we advocate is ethicality in marketing and honest business practices. When we take on a client, if not for the short term.  It is for the long haul. We genuinely care and take a vested interest in our clients’ success. We don’t over promise but we do our best to over deliver.  In fact,  I’m pretty clear that it is one of the reasons most of our clients stay with us for so long.

I’m not afraid to have difficult conversations.  Sometimes I have to tell them (my clients and prospects) what they may not want to hear – but what’s in their best interest to hear about their ideas for marketing and promoting a business. These types of conversation- eye to eye, heart to heart- business owner to business owner- are part of what makes us different.  We’re real. We’re grounded.  We do what we say we are going to do. What we say we’re going to do- we can (and do) deliver.

So the big question on the table is:  if I go on the radio is ethical marketing or marketing that comes from ethical and value-based and integrity-based perspectives is that something that listeners in the San Diego area really wanted know about?

Is their pain point with spending wasted money on marketing enough?

Are they ready to find out what it’s like – to work with the company, who will deliver what it says and will work with an honest budget?

Personally, I like to believe that yes, there are many companies out there who would like this type of attention and care to help them grow their business. But I’m smart enough to know that before you can have an ethical business you have to have an ethical person who is involved in the decision-making process.

And that my friends’ is the subject for another day…

Debbra Sweet

The Big Fat Juicy

Today marks the first day of a new decade for many people.  There are those who have already written down goals for the next year, have made New Years Resolutions and there’s a good chance that some people have already started the fade away from their new vision for this year.

Personally, I embraced the idea of goal setting when I was very young.  I am not really sure where my understanding of that came from.  I just simply did it.   I used to keep a note book with short term, mid -range and long term goals.  Basically, in my youth, I was just making a list of things I wanted to do.  Thankfully, I recognized that in doing this action, I often accomplished what I wrote down. In fact, there was always a sweet, pleasurable reward in scratching off one of the things on my list.

Fast forward and if I were to show you my ‘list’- you would be suprised.  It’s pretty darn extensive.  The cool thing is, the system still works.  I can’t begin to tell you how many people ask me “How do you do it?”  They are referencing the fine balancing act of responsibilities that I hold- and the fruitfulness of what I choose to invest my time, effort and energy with.

Part of my ‘secret’, I’ve just shared. It starts with my list. Still follow the short term, mid-range and long term goals. Only now, they are more specific and very strategic.

The closing of 2009 was for me, much needed. It was a year of intense creative productivity. (I wrote 2 books along with developing a Marketing Home Study Course for Entrepreneurs.)  This, in addition to caring for my family, traveling a bit to speak,  reorganizing our business structure and continuing to tend to my clients.  2009 wasn’t very easy for many reasons.  I am looking forward to 2010.

In 2010, I plan on achieving some big goals.  The stage has been set for a ‘come back’ of sorts.   Back in Feb of 2008  I particpated in an evening called “Come as you will be in 2013”. It was a pretty trippy night.  Those of us attending this evening were implementing a success strategy that is shared in Jack Canfield’s book called “Success Principles”.  It was a bold thing to do- and for me, initially, it put me in an uncomfortable zone.

As a leader, when you realize that part of growth means that you are willing to do things others won’t- I allowed my self to fully engage and participate in that evening. It meant role playing out my life as it will be in 2013.  Talk about planning!!   I give kudos to the other people who were there that evening. We all jumped in and completely embraced the night.

So-what does that have to do with 2010 and my Big Fat Juicy?  A lot.  Since that night, many of the things that I role played out actually have happened!  Very quickly I might add.  One of my ‘accomplishments’ in 2010 was to have travelled to Australia and New Zealand for 2 weeks with my family – and get paid to do so.  The motive to go is that I will be speaking on marketing and leadership, and it will allow me to also do something I really enjoy: travel and learning about other people and cultures.

Yesterday I got specific in my goals for this year- and identified the time of year we will be going. Now all I need is the speaking gig.  By putting this out to the world, I am taking one more action to make this come to pass.   I also have it on the 2010 goals list to get paid to speak on a cruise trip to Alaska. Again, 7-10 days, the time of year is between May and Sept.  The family is to come along.  Since it’s now 2010, more details in the plan are needed to make this goal happen.  They’re written down, and I’ve been taking action to make this come to pass.

So what’s the Big Fat Juicy in all this?  The Big Fat Juicy is a phrase I coined a few years back referencing the accomplishment of achieving one of the ‘biggest, fattest, juiciest referrals that would bring a substantial amount of business to you.   It would be very cool to have my Big Fat Juicy of the speaking gigs come as referrals.

My Big Fat Juicy has many parts. In fact, I have many Big Fat Juicy’s that are leading to the fulfillment of one of my biggest, long term, personal and professional goals.  It has to do with creating the wealth and resources it will take to be able to teach others how to truly manifest abundance in their life.

So now I’m going to be even more bold and share a few more of my 2010 goals. In them, you may perceive a person who is passionate. You may see a person with a mission in life. You may decide I’m a bit competitive.  Others may think I am very intense and focused.  Personally, it’s a bit of all of the above.  I made a choice to have a life that has no regrets- at least there will be no regrets from not giving myself the chance to accomplish my dreams.  (Part of my personal life’s purpose is to help others achieve theirs.)

Time to share and walk forth boldy:

With that, here’s mine:
1. To make 2010 the most profitable year to date. (yes, I do have the specifics written down in my business/marketing plan this year.)
2. Want to help 50 new clients a month achieve their business goals this year through teaching them effective marketing for their business.
3. Get paid to speak on leadership or marketing in Australia/New Zealand in Sept 2010. Want to take a two week trip with the family and get paid for it
4. Duplicate #3- only do a 10 day cruise to Alaska in June 2010.
5. Wanted to loose 10 lbs last year. Lost 33. Goal this year: 5 more to go, and continue to keep it off with exercise 3-4 times a week and good food to eat.
6. Sell 1 Million of my leadership books this year. Lofty goal- Jack Canfield calls it a BHAG. (Big Harry Audacious Goal.) It’s been done by others before- I know we can do it too.
7. Get sponsorship for my radio show so we can syndicate online, go back to terrestrial radio and be on sattelite radio.

8.  Sell at least 100,000 copies this year of my ‘Repairing the Reprobate Mind’ book

9.  To go back into the music studio, re-release our first album called “Feel the Heat” and sell.

10. Finish recording our second album and release that next year.

11. Have enough sales from both the books and the albums/CD’s to have major publishers pick them up for more mass distribution and promotion.

12. Create a way to travel, speak, perform our music, get paid handsomely for it- and along the way, use what we write about to inspire, teach, lead a show others that they can do the same as well.

Last: My “BiG Fat Juicy” – a term I teach about- to close out 2010 with all my businesses feeding the profit pipeline to reach my ‘comfort level financial goals’ by working smarter, not harder. This will allow more time for play: ie: back on stage with the band, riding my motorcycle, playing with the kids, travelling, and finally builing my custom home on a big plot of land I’ve identified.

Here’s to 2010 and enjoying the celebration of many ‘Big Fat Juicy’s’!


The Choice to Be Productive

I’ve talked about this before, and it seems like I am speaking about it even more.

Every day we have a choice to intentionally be involved in our life.  For some, that may sound silly, odd or off the wall. For others, they will ‘get it’.

To some who are getting to know me, as you learn more about me, I may appear to you as  an ‘over achiever’.  To those, that may be your perception – but the reality is, I simply choose to be productive. 

As I was growing up, I had hopes, ideas, and dreams of how I wanted my life to be.  Some of those ideas came to pass. Others did not. I did not have the knowledge, the resources, the support system around me to lay the foundation to really make things happen. Now I do.

The big point to make is here: even though I now have all of the things I need to really make dreams, ideas and hopes a reality, the most important thing that is needed first is the commitment and conviction to make a choice to make things happen!  The cool part is- you can do this too…if you choose to!

So many people say they want to do things, they complain about the way things are- but they are unwilling to actually do anything about it!  They love to wallow in their ‘story’ and it is that ‘story’ that is part of what holds them back.  Actually, there are reasons behind the story- and all too often we stay emotionally attached to those reasons.  They may not be logical (in fact, most of the time they are not) however, they are familiar and comfortable.   The easy way out of things is to do or stay where it is comfortable. 

Do you have hopes, dreams, ideas that you say you want to come to pass?  Are you being honest with yourself when you say the answer?  Is it really what you want?  If deep down inside, the answer is YES- then all you have to do now is make the choice to change. Make the choice to do one thing a day to make one of your goals, dreams, ideas come to pass.  Each day you take a new step. Each day you take a new action. Each day you are laying the foundation and walking the pathway to seeing your dreams and ideas become reality! 

You may have to modify some of the habits you have now in order to create ‘room’ in your life to do these new actions.  That’s good!  You want that!  If you feel a bit uncomfortable because you are walking in unfamiliar territory- that’s ok!  You want that – it’s a sign of growth!

Make the choice to be productive and follow your dreams.  In doing so, you can be one of those people who lives a life with no regrets when they are older.   

If you need (or want) some support in gaining the courage to take the first step, a key is to learn from leaders who have already done things like this.  A great resource that is available to you to start learning what you can do to make changes that produce the results you want in your life is right here:   Tune in weekly and really take the time – invest the time into yourself- to hear the information and wisdom brought forth from the show and the guests.

If you cannot hear the new broadcasts live, the archives are there for you to listen to at your own pace.  Feel free to listen to them often as they will give you solid information from people who have made the choice to make themselves a success.  They are here freely offering up their experiences and learning lessons to help shorten your learning curve!

It’s been said before, if you choose to do the same thing the same way and expect different results- that is the definition of insanity.  You HAVE the power to make the CHOICE to be Productive!  Choose it, live it, love it and thrive with your growth.  You can reach your potential- if you are willing to do what needs to be done.

Enjoy your choice – and remember, even if you choose to NOT choose- you STILL have made a choice! 

Debbra Sweet

Power of Leadership Radio Host Debbra Sweet

Power of Leadership Radio Host Debbra Sweet

Discover the Importance of Core Values in Producing Results You Want

What your core values are determines where your wealth will be.  Wealth is personal and it means something different to every person. Your perspective of wealth could be in your business, your relationships, your family, finances, your spirituality, free time, vacation time, the opportunity for further education and learning and even your physical health.

Core values are part of the underlying thought process that leads us to communicate in a certain way. They cause you to act, react or focus on aspects of your life and business that are most important to you. They are the deeply rooted, subconscious thought processes that run as a filter or a sounding board for your own personal outcomes.

What is a value system? How do we know what they are? How do you identify them?

Values relate to what is most important to YOU- not an injection of beliefs of what other people think you should be like or doing.

Listen in to on Tuesday, August 26th from2-3 pm PT and hear expert Chaney Weiner discuss in depth the importance of how alignment of your core values produces wealth in all areas of your life.

Chaney Weiner is an inspirational and transformational speaker and Founder of the Wealth Mastery Success Program. His knowledge and experience consists of 20 years of work and study from various disciplines to include fitness, psychology, communication, physiology, and neuroscience, and how to apply these disciplines into every day life in order to live an inspired and magnificent life.

Chaney shows and inspires people worldwide on how to achieve wealth in each of the 7 areas of life by discovering their own uniqueness based on what is most important to them while reducing any fear they may have so they can live a magnificent and extraordinary life filled with passion and purpose. 

Host Debbra Sweet and Chaney share valueable insights and reveal results producing wisdom that you can apply in your life today- to get new results tomorrow.

Tune in and enjoy the change you become!

Debbra Sweet, Your host at Power of Leadership Radio.

Power of Leadership

Power of Leadership

My New Favorite Female Powerhouse!

Ok- so I have to share that I have a new hero.. her name is Roxanne Emmerich.  Her book is called “Thank God It’s Monday!” – and  I have to tell you, if you have ever wished that your workplace could be different- then you have to get this book.

Don’t like to read?  Then listen to the show we just did. Roxanne is a “Get-R-Done” kind of gal. Part Professional, part Rock -and-Roll, part Rebel – but all about RESULTS!  The gal speaks my language and has a fantastic atttitude to boot!

For those who know me, I am direct, love to have fun but most importantly, want to help others (and myself) get results. I love the approach Roxanne shares on the show and in her book. 

Tired of the complainer in the cubicle next to you at work? (Maybe you ARE the complainer…)  Do you do all the work but rarely get acknowledgement?  Catch the archive of the show and see how you can create an environment for work (and home) that you WANT to be in .. and not just HAVE to be in!

Thank God It’s Monday

Here’s to Rockin With Amazing Results this year!!

Debbra Sweet

Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love on Power of Leadership Radio show

Remember your first day of your job? Your shoes were shined and your part was razor-straight—you had every intention to set the world on fire. But at some point you discovered you were working with Dweebs…a.k.a. humans with ISSUES. Whiners, complainers, gossips and excuse-crafters were suddenly everywhere. Everyone was shooting wildly for mediocrity—and hitting the bull’s-eye.

And then it happened to you. You resigned to working in what looks like an adult day care and accepting a mediocre vision of what’s possible for you and your organization.

Or you maybe you’re a leader who has tried everything you know, but the business still isn’t growing, profits are harder and harder to come by…and it just isn’t much fun anymore. In fact, you are losing your passion to be extraordinary.

Whether you’re on the front line, or you run the place, you’ll discover how to:

  • Replace a “Why we can’t” with a “Why we CAN” attitude
  • Bust the “baditudes” and stop the energy vampires from sucking your energy
  • Replace dysfunctional behaviors with a fire in the belly to get massive results
  • Breathe results-generating life back into your life and your organization
  • Think big and make big things happen!

Listen in to Power of Leadership Radio on July 21st, 2009  and find out how you can make this happen in your workplace!

I will be interviewing Roxanne Emmerich, the author of the book “Thank God It’s Monday!”

Roxanne Emmerich

Roxanne  is America’s most sought-after workplace transformation expert. She is listed by Sales and Marketing Management magazine as one of the 12 most requested speakers in the country for her ability to transform negative workplace performance and environments into “bring it on” results-oriented cultures.

Roxanne’s new book “Thank God It’s Monday” reached and maintained its position as #1 on Amazon’s business bestseller list and made the Wall Street Journal’s best seller list—all in the first week of its release. As President and CEO of the Emmerich Group, Inc. she has consulted and spoken to most of the financial institutions in the top one percent of performance, as well as clients like Merck, Pfizer, Allianz, Lockheed Martin and hundreds of other leaders in almost every industry. Roxanne was inducted into the National Speaker Hall of Fame for her impact and quantifiable effectiveness.

She’ll be bringing her amazing and “What Ever it Takes” Attitude to the show- so be ready to ‘Bring it ON!”  We’re going to Rock our Way to Real Results!!

Catch ya soon,

Debbra Sweet

Breakthrough to Success show with Jack Canfield was stellar!

How amazing to be with Jack Canfield for an hour talking about success principles and real world results!

From the first time I heard Jack speak, I was truly inspired by his genuine humility and desire that he has to really make a difference in people’s lives.  He is genuine through and through and the information he shared on the Power of Leadership Radio show this week was amazing.

If you have not taken the time to get his newest book, “The Success Principles”, I encourage you to run out, get it and start reading right away!  (Amazon ,  and B&N online are great too for getting your copy!) 

This could be the inspiration, wisdom and insights you’ve been waiting for to help yourself break through your own barriers.  As we’ve mentioned on th show, every day you have a choice. You have a choice to keep doing the same thing and quietly, silently wish for new results… or… you could choose to do something different and then follow through!

Missed the show?  Hear it in the archives:

The great thing about the Power of Leadership archives is you can listen to it over and over- to really absorb and make your own – the information our guests bring to you.

Empower yourself today and let’s have a breakthrough year together!

Debbra Sweet & Jack Canfield

Debbra Sweet

Jack Canfield’s Breakthrough to Success on Power of Leadership Radio

Ready for new success in your life?  Been working on making changes and working towards great results?  Have you found yourself ‘stuck’ at times along the way?

Be sure to join me July 14th, 2009 as Jack Canfield shares amazing insights and easy to do steps to help you breakthrough barriers that have been holding you back from the success you desire and deserve!

Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield is the CEO of Chicken Soup for the Soul® Enterprises, a billion dollar empire that encompasses licensing, merchandising and publishing activities around the globe. Jack’s nationally syndicated newspaper column is read in 150 papers worldwide, and the Chicken Soup for the Soul® radio shows are syndicated throughout North America. Jack is also syndicated columnist through King Features Syndicate and is a popular news subject featured not only in major trade publications, but in every major metro newspaper across America and in hundreds more around the globe.

Jack’s background includes a BA from Harvard University and he also holds a Masters degree in Psychological Education from the University of Massachusetts and a Honorary Doctorate from the University of Santa Monica, Parker College of Chiropractic and St. Ambrose University. Over the past 30 years, he has been a psychotherapist, an educational consultant, trainer and a leading authority in the areas of self-esteem, achievement motivation and peak performance.

I am so excited to have him on the show and share his wisdom with you!  I met Jack in Nov of 2007 right when his ‘Success Principles’ book came out.  Personally I was ready for some massive growth of my own and it was amazing to see how the information in this book really helped my growth goal visions come to pass even faster than I expected!  I look forward to sharing this with you too!

Have an amazingly prospersous day!

Debbra Sweet

John Assaraf joins me on Power Of Leadership Radio

Learning how your mindset ties into your results. One small positive shift in your thinking can increase your cash flow!

One of the topics that has a direct impact on HOW you are as a person and as a leader is your thinking. Your mindset, in every situation determines your outcome.  Whether you are aware of the power of your thinking, or if you are new to the idea, understanding that you DO have control over how you think will make a big difference in your life.

In business, your personal relationships, your income, your successses and your stumbling blocks are all influenced by your conscious and subconscious thoughts.

John Assaraf

John Assaraf is a New York Times & Wall Street Journal best selling author. One of the experts featured in the hit film & book”The Secret”. In the last 20 years, John has built multi-million dollar companies, including: RE/MAX of Indiana, & OneCoach.

Join me and John as we share this hour of Power of Leadership Radio with you to bring you insights on how you can start to break through the thought patterns that get in your way of true success!  Hear John on March 17th, 2009 or – catch the show in the archive section anytime.

Here’s to empowering you more each day!

Debbra Sweet