Lead Yourself, Lead Others, Lead the Leaders

Lead Yourself Debbra Sweet 1It’s almost the end of January of 2015, and I’ve finally decided what my ‘theme of the year’ is going to be.

For me, this is a saying I’ve vocalized for many years now. Just not everyone has heard it yet. 🙂

This theme is more than just a focused statement for me though. It’s a value based approach I’ve lived for many years now.  “Lead Yourself, Lead Others, Lead the Leaders.”

I first introduced this statement in one of the books I wrote called “The Power of Leadership in Business Networking”.

Initially, this theme was just a chapter in the book. I was talking about how to really be a leader when you are networking. In that arena, there really is a flow to how one builds credibility in order to get referrals.

Over the last few years however, I have really come to understand the depth of this statement (theme of 2015). In all aspects of our life, if we are truly going to be our best, walk with integrity of body, mind and self; if we are to live a balanced, fulfilled life, understanding the importance of this ‘flow of leadership’ is important.

I personally believe that the majority of people in our country are living a life that is not in true harmony between their inner self and their outer self. Too many people are living under a shield of ‘survival’ without knowing it.  Their inner self yearns for one type of life, yet their outer self resides in a world, a way of living, based on other people’s beliefs and values.

How do I know this? I lived that way for years too.  I have also learned how to let go of other peoples beliefs for me – and learn to embrace what are really my core beliefs, value systems and vision for my businesses, my life. Now I love to help others make that same transformation.

Mind you, I recognize that not every single person experiences this disconnect. I have met people who are blessed from a very young age to know who they are, know what they were born to do, and have had a support system around them to help make that happen. I love meeting people like this because it gives me a different perspective about life.

However, in my world, the majority of the people I coach, teach, consult with, are not in alignment. They struggle with things like: lack of health, (too much weight, too many meds, increasing health issues due to their body being out of balance.).  I work with people who had a vision for themselves, but gave it up to the dreams and input of others around them.  Then there are others who are visionary, and always on the go- but are not sure how to create a team around them to make their vision a reality. They are great at doing, but not clear on how to inspire others to do the same.

In all these situations, the mindset (mantra? value system? concept?) of Lead yourself, Lead Others, Lead Leaders comes into play.

Whether your life is out of balance with your physicals (your body), your way of thinking or perceiving things (mind), and in your day to day profession (business)- the way to make a change that is lasting is to first slow down and make the commitment to: Lead Yourself.

What area(s) in your life need to get into a state of balance and vitality first? 

Do you lack health? You know you do if you are overweight, have many health symptoms and are unable to operate at peak performance. All these ‘symptoms’ are  ‘tells’ from your body that it needs attention from you.  To be your best for others, you must be your best for yourself first.

How you think affects all you do. This is a deep subject (One I’ve written about before), and will write about again. Your thinking encompasses more than just your day to day conscious thoughts. It gets into the deep, stored thoughts, beliefs and ideas you may not even recognize are the filters of your thinking.  Your thoughts dictate your actions, words and choices.

To lead yourself, not only might you need to change habits that relate to your physicals, but you might need to change your habits of your thinking.

Yes, this is not always easy or comfortable- but the outcome, the benefit of taking the time to learn to lead yourself so you live a life that is full of vitality, optimal health, resonate with an inner peace that shows in all your actions, words and outcomes- is worth every step of growth and temporary discomfort you may feel when letting go of old habits and beliefs.

To lead yourself takes time. The good news is: for lasting results, if you have the right kind of support in your life, you can experience a transformation wherein the journey is just as rewarding as arriving at the end destination.

When you understand and experience how to make changes in how you live, you then can inspire others. You begin to lead others – often as simple as them watching you.  When your thoughts, words and actions are in alignment; and when your inner and outer you are aligned- the power of you choices and way you present yourself each day- is remarkably motivating for others to do the same.

Finally, you can read a point of leading leaders if you so choose.

In sharing this declaration of my theme of the year with you, I recognize that I’m only scratching the surface of what is the real depth of understanding of “Lead Yourself, Lead Others, Lead Leaders”.

What area in your life or profession would benefit by improving your thoughts, actions, words?  Do you seek optimal health (without drugs, deprivation, ‘dieting’?) If so, let’s talk.   Do you seek to be a better leader in your life or business? If so, let’s talk. Are you already leading and you want to improve results with your time and efforts in your business so that you are more profitable and have more money? If so, let’s talk.

I do my best to live in a state of integrity of the inner and outer me, aligned with my vision and values. I do not claim to be the expert that knows everything, but I do coach, teach and train from a place of experiential compassion, understanding and patience.  Along my journey I’ve discovered tools, systems and resources that can help you thrive in Body, Mind and Business.

Ready to make your 2015 the Best Year Ever?

Connect with me here.  Tell me what areas you would like to see improvement in and let’s make it happen!

Have a magnificent day!

Debbra Sweet

TRC-Debbra-Sweet-Profile Pic





  • Professional Speaker
  • Award Winning Musician
  • Certified Coach, Consultant, Trainer
  • Contributing Author to the New York Times Best Seller “Masters of Sales”



20 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

As we kick of this year of 2015, I thought I would share a few ‘unknown’ tidbits about myself.   The past couple years as I’ve finished rehabilitating from my severe traumatic brain injury, I’ve not publicly blogged much.  Offline, I have been writing and documenting my journey. (There’s much to share.)

The best leaders are transparent- so the sharing below, simply thought, would be fun to let you know some trivia about 20 thingsmyself.

1. First thing I ever really wanted to do when I ‘grew up’ was to be a dancer. Ended up being a musician instead.

2. First boy I kissed had the last name of Love. I married a man with a last name of Sweet.

3. Fall is my favorite time of the year.

4. I delivered both of my babies all naturally- no drugs at all.

5. I’ve raised both of my boys without drugs (western medicine)– and have been teaching them how to live healthfully off of food and natural herbs for ‘medicine’.

6. The first time I sat on a motorcycle was when I was 8. My mom’s cousin sat me on his bike and I fell in love with them then. Pined for my own for years. Would never dare tell mom & dad because ‘girls don’t do that sort of thing’. Had many guy friends who were totally cool and would give me rides on their bikes. Then I met my hubby – and within a month he was teaching me how to ride his bike. He sold one of his and bought one for me.

7. I’m actually very ‘Martha Stewarty’. I cook from scratch, make my own hair care products, I love to sew (and am actually pretty good at it), love doing arts and crafts and am still learning how to garden organically in CA soil/weather.

8. Starting in1997 I began studying to become a Naturopathic Doctor. Finished my Master of Holistic Healing Program, am certified as an Herb Specialist, Certified Health Coach, along with having certification to be a personal trainer. I’ve studied Iridology and Kinesiology too. I still want to finish some schooling for this subject matter.

9. I was a music performance major in college. However, I started later than all my school friends. When I first started playing Saxophone, the adults would not give me the whole instrument. I only got the mouthpiece. Once I learned how to play that (yes, there is a technique I had to learn) they gave me my whole sax.

10. I love to travel. When I was young (and single) I took many spontaneous road trips. I’ve been to 40 of the 50 United States. Have been to parts of Canada and Mexico. Time to go to the other side of the globe. To many, my move to Cali was one of those ‘spontaneous’ decisions. On the outside it looked like that- took 2 seconds to decide. What people didn’t know is I had decided on 1984 to move here. One day in August of 1989 I jumped in my car with 2 suitcases, my bicycle, sax and a box of personal records and made the road trip by myself to San Diego. Was a fantastic road trip and I would do it again.

11. In high school one of my creative writing teachers failed me. Said I didn’t know how to write. I have been published as an author 9 times. One of the books I am published in is still on the NY Times Best Selling list.

12. I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. I learned to train my brain years ago how to do this.

13. I appreciate technology and use it for business, but personally I still do not have a:, ipad, mp3 player, or other new ‘tech gadgets’.

14.The first time I ever saw Star Wars was when I met my hubby in 1991.

15. I have an eclectic personality and have many traits from my dad’s side of the family. When I was younger I would describe myself as a bit ‘Bohemian’. After researching on Ancestory.com, discovered my great grandmother (from my dads side) was actually born in what we now call Bohemia.

16. I have double jointed pinky fingers, growing up I could not run. Now that we’ve reprogrammed my brain, I can.

17. I was invited to be a founding member of the SoCal Transformational Leadership Counsel. This is a sub group of the International Transformational Leadership Counsel, which is made up of the worlds top thought leaders of today. In my entire career, I have never actively sought a position of management or ‘leadership’. It just always showed up – often quickly. After being frustrated with that for many years, through wise counsel of others, I realize that it happens because I am wired for it and many say I am good at leading. I accept this role with humility and a great sense of dedication to those I lead. It is my heart to always do my best, lead with authenticity, integrity and to do what I can to help others succeed.

18. I’ve been accused of being a racist. To those who know me, know, that in fact, I used to get in a lot of trouble because I had ‘too many friends’ of a variety of ethnicities. Ever since I was in kindergarten, I knew that skin color did not matter. (In my kindergarten we had the first little black boy in school. All of us students were basically white. The little boy was always sitting next to me. The principal told us we were to treat him no different than anyone else. I was intrigued by him and got to know him a bit. One day he had a cold. His nose was drippy. I remember thinking to myself “He has green boogers when he’s sick … just like me.” From that moment on I knew his skin color did not matter- we were all the same on the inside.)

What did and does matter was (is) your heart and attitude. I have many people who have entered my life that come from a wide variety of backgrounds, age, circumstances, ethnicity’s, cultural beliefs and positions in life. What always was, and is, most important to me is: your attitude and your heart. Are you meek and open to growth for betterment of your life and that of others, or… are you arrogant, egocentric and closed off to learning? Personally, I am a mutt. I do not know my true ethnic make up. I do know though that I am always intrigued by human capital and growth potential. I do my best to remain humble in all circumstances so that I can be there to enjoy the lessons in life I can learn by meeting people from all over.

19. I do not get star struck by people of influence or ‘authority’. I’ve met many celebrities and people who have ‘power’ in a variety of ways. We all eat, sleep and poop the same. That there… levels the playing field. We are all just people. What you do for your career is not a ‘nasash’ for me. Having been with celebrities behind the scenes many times over, they all have the same inner struggles and questions as the rest of us. They are often appreciative of the fact I see them for who they are, not for their celebrity.

20. I used to be a bit afraid of guns. The day I had a gun pulled to my head – literally- I realized I did not have to be afraid. That day was one of those life changing moments and I am thankful I was able to remain calm and collected during the circumstances.

Bonus: I get nervous about odd things. When it comes to being on stage, in the public eye, or taking charge in emergency situations, I am very calm, level headed and collected.

There are many more things about me that I have yet to ‘reveal’. That will come with time. My passion is to help others discover who they really are, and give them the support, tools, and training so they can align for maximum abundance in their body, mind and business.

To learn more about me and what I do, visit: www.DebbraSweet.com, www.ThriveRightConsulting.com and www.SweetMarketingSolutions.com

Here’s to the start of a Magnificent New Year!

Debbra Sweet