Action with Intention

Action with IntentionHave you ever really stopped to consider how your actions dictate your life?  For some, this may not be a new concept. For others, it may be the first time they’ve ever heard that.

It took me sometime as I was growing up, to harness the power of that statement. It’s simple. It’s seems somewhat easy to grasp- but to understand the true magnitude behind it- you need to take a few moments to ponder just how deep and impactful those three words can really be in your life.

Many people go about their daily lives with minimal intention in what they do. In fact, most have no intention. The definition of intention is:  quality of purposefulness, or, the quality or state of having a purpose in mind.  It’s about having a purpose, a reason, a focus that leads to a desired outcome.

If you wake up in the morning simply to roll out of bed, jump in the shower and maybe get to work on time to do the ‘daily grind’, there may not be much intention -other than showing up so you can have a paycheck.

For the person who, upon rising, has a plan for the day, they’ve set a desired idea or goal that they would like to see happen- that person has taken a step to lead their thoughts and actions with intention.

The thought, goal or idea is not the intention in and of itself. It’s the desired end result. It’s really important to have an end desired result first if you’re going to achieve things in your life. Once you have that end result in thought, you have created the end goal- and now, you focus on the game plan to make that goal happen.

Here’s where action with intention really kicks in.  You have to keep your eye on the goal at all times. Think it, feel it, breathe it, smell it- embrace it as is you already have it!  Once you’ve got that, everything you do now has a purposeIt’s either going to support your goal, dream or idea- or it will distract you from it.

Now- and only now, can you start to harness the power behind action with intention.  How many times have you set out to do something … only to get distracted by the kids, tv, a phone call- a colleague popping by to shoot the breeze. If you allow yourself to get caught up in the moment, you took an action.You took a break instead of finishing what you inititally set out to do. By choosing to engage in that  moment, that distraction, your intention was ‘to take a break’.  Whether you like that or not- it’s the truth behind that decision. (Sometimes, taking a break is very important. It’s a necessary step in keeping the balance in your life.)

Once you become aware of your actions, whether they are conscious or subconscious choices, you can start to monitor the things you do. You can start  to really create a life of abundance if you choose actions with  intention that will open doors and bring people into your life that will support you along the way of reaching your goals.  You can also start to make active decisions that will intentionally eliminate distractions, naysayer’s, and non- supporters in your life.

Action with Intention is powerful. It’s a key factor in helping you live the life you’ve always wanted. Remember: when you start to apply this in your life is it requires one main thing:  ACTION.

The choice to take no action to make changes – is actually an action in and of itself. Your choice and intention behind it is to take no action.

When you choose to embrace this concept and manifest positive actions and intentions- be ready to be blown away at the world that opens up to you!

Enjoy your day – and make each action intentional!

Debbra Sweet

The Habit of Choice

Sometimes when people meet me and speak to me they comment on my positive attitude and passion for the things I do. It’s consistent and it’s strong. I’ve always considered myself an ‘eternal optimist’,  but saying that  and half-full-glassgetting to the point where you live it (positive thinking with passion ) everyday can be two different things- and mine didn’t come without having to overcome some serious obstacles in my life.

There are situations when you describe someone as being a ‘cup half empty’ or a ‘cup half full’ kind of person. I would be the ‘cup half full’. I have always had an innate ability to see opportunity where others didn’t.  I’ve also seen beyond the facades that most people put up to the public and see potential in people when they can’t see it themselves.

Taking all of this into consideration- in order for me to get to the point where I am today with my thinking (being very focused, consistently positive and intentional in my thoughts and actions) – I had to overcome some very deep, dark times in my life. I have always seen potential in others- but it was a big accomplishment to see it and believe it in myself.

I usually didn’t have someone there to get through the darkest of those times. Along the way, occasionally, there were a few people who stood by my side – and to you I am very grateful for your vision in me to be more than what I could see at that moment. Your support and actions are not forgotten – and never will be.

Most of the time though- I had to get through the struggles in my life and the ‘stuff in my head’ – on my own.  There was no internet with ready information at my fingertips to answer my questions of ‘why’ and there was very little understanding of how our thoughts dictate and impact our life.  Today we understand more about that but not everyone ‘gets’ it.

It may seem unusual to meet someone who is grounded with genuine care about others and has a great attitude.  I am one of those people. Keep in mind though, that underneath it all, I’m still human and do have a full range of emotions.  I’ve come from places and situations that I would never want to have others go through.  I thank God everyday for keeping the dreams and visions he gave me for my life burning and alive through it all.  Part of my journey and my rise from darkness is an understanding of how to create the positive things in my life I want.   It’s part of my destiny to help and show to others along the way that they don’t have to stay where they are if they genuinely want more.

Where this leads to is:  every day, and in every situation we are faced with an opportunity to make choices. Each choice leads to the next path in our road.

Your choices lead to habits and your habits create results. This can be good or bad.  The choice is always yours.  To get to the point where you make the choices that lead you down the road you want, you need to be willing to let go and move beyond the ‘reasons’ and the ‘stories’ that hold you where you are today.

One needs balance in life- and acceptance and understanding that a range of emotions (which provide momentum to our choices) is healthy.  The right choices with the right emotion behind them will help you get to where you want to go in life.  Learning that you really do have a choice in how you want to live your life is the first step to achieving your dreams. Understanding what choices are right for you comes with time.

When you meet someone who is focused and positive, you may not always grasp the opportunity that has opened up for you.  You may choose to run from it because you’re unfamiliar or uncomfortable around that type of thinking – or you can make the choice to learn from it- to embrace it and move forward.

I encourage you each day- consider the choices you are making.  Are they reactive and out of a protective habit that keeps you in a survival mode?  Or, are they intentional and grounded with a focused result in mind?

The habit of choice starts with recognizing this: you do have a choice!   Choose to survive – or choose to thrive. Your future is up to you.

Have an awesome day!

Debbra Sweet


My New Favorite Female Powerhouse!

Ok- so I have to share that I have a new hero.. her name is Roxanne Emmerich.  Her book is called “Thank God It’s Monday!” – and  I have to tell you, if you have ever wished that your workplace could be different- then you have to get this book.

Don’t like to read?  Then listen to the show we just did. Roxanne is a “Get-R-Done” kind of gal. Part Professional, part Rock -and-Roll, part Rebel – but all about RESULTS!  The gal speaks my language and has a fantastic atttitude to boot!

For those who know me, I am direct, love to have fun but most importantly, want to help others (and myself) get results. I love the approach Roxanne shares on the show and in her book. 

Tired of the complainer in the cubicle next to you at work? (Maybe you ARE the complainer…)  Do you do all the work but rarely get acknowledgement?  Catch the archive of the show and see how you can create an environment for work (and home) that you WANT to be in .. and not just HAVE to be in!

Thank God It’s Monday

Here’s to Rockin With Amazing Results this year!!

Debbra Sweet

Thank God It’s Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love on Power of Leadership Radio show

Remember your first day of your job? Your shoes were shined and your part was razor-straight—you had every intention to set the world on fire. But at some point you discovered you were working with Dweebs…a.k.a. humans with ISSUES. Whiners, complainers, gossips and excuse-crafters were suddenly everywhere. Everyone was shooting wildly for mediocrity—and hitting the bull’s-eye.

And then it happened to you. You resigned to working in what looks like an adult day care and accepting a mediocre vision of what’s possible for you and your organization.

Or you maybe you’re a leader who has tried everything you know, but the business still isn’t growing, profits are harder and harder to come by…and it just isn’t much fun anymore. In fact, you are losing your passion to be extraordinary.

Whether you’re on the front line, or you run the place, you’ll discover how to:

  • Replace a “Why we can’t” with a “Why we CAN” attitude
  • Bust the “baditudes” and stop the energy vampires from sucking your energy
  • Replace dysfunctional behaviors with a fire in the belly to get massive results
  • Breathe results-generating life back into your life and your organization
  • Think big and make big things happen!

Listen in to Power of Leadership Radio on July 21st, 2009  and find out how you can make this happen in your workplace!

I will be interviewing Roxanne Emmerich, the author of the book “Thank God It’s Monday!”

Roxanne Emmerich

Roxanne  is America’s most sought-after workplace transformation expert. She is listed by Sales and Marketing Management magazine as one of the 12 most requested speakers in the country for her ability to transform negative workplace performance and environments into “bring it on” results-oriented cultures.

Roxanne’s new book “Thank God It’s Monday” reached and maintained its position as #1 on Amazon’s business bestseller list and made the Wall Street Journal’s best seller list—all in the first week of its release. As President and CEO of the Emmerich Group, Inc. she has consulted and spoken to most of the financial institutions in the top one percent of performance, as well as clients like Merck, Pfizer, Allianz, Lockheed Martin and hundreds of other leaders in almost every industry. Roxanne was inducted into the National Speaker Hall of Fame for her impact and quantifiable effectiveness.

She’ll be bringing her amazing and “What Ever it Takes” Attitude to the show- so be ready to ‘Bring it ON!”  We’re going to Rock our Way to Real Results!!

Catch ya soon,

Debbra Sweet

Breakthrough to Success show with Jack Canfield was stellar!

How amazing to be with Jack Canfield for an hour talking about success principles and real world results!

From the first time I heard Jack speak, I was truly inspired by his genuine humility and desire that he has to really make a difference in people’s lives.  He is genuine through and through and the information he shared on the Power of Leadership Radio show this week was amazing.

If you have not taken the time to get his newest book, “The Success Principles”, I encourage you to run out, get it and start reading right away!  (Amazon ,  and B&N online are great too for getting your copy!) 

This could be the inspiration, wisdom and insights you’ve been waiting for to help yourself break through your own barriers.  As we’ve mentioned on th show, every day you have a choice. You have a choice to keep doing the same thing and quietly, silently wish for new results… or… you could choose to do something different and then follow through!

Missed the show?  Hear it in the archives:

The great thing about the Power of Leadership archives is you can listen to it over and over- to really absorb and make your own – the information our guests bring to you.

Empower yourself today and let’s have a breakthrough year together!

Debbra Sweet & Jack Canfield

Debbra Sweet

Jack Canfield’s Breakthrough to Success on Power of Leadership Radio

Ready for new success in your life?  Been working on making changes and working towards great results?  Have you found yourself ‘stuck’ at times along the way?

Be sure to join me July 14th, 2009 as Jack Canfield shares amazing insights and easy to do steps to help you breakthrough barriers that have been holding you back from the success you desire and deserve!

Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield is the CEO of Chicken Soup for the Soul® Enterprises, a billion dollar empire that encompasses licensing, merchandising and publishing activities around the globe. Jack’s nationally syndicated newspaper column is read in 150 papers worldwide, and the Chicken Soup for the Soul® radio shows are syndicated throughout North America. Jack is also syndicated columnist through King Features Syndicate and is a popular news subject featured not only in major trade publications, but in every major metro newspaper across America and in hundreds more around the globe.

Jack’s background includes a BA from Harvard University and he also holds a Masters degree in Psychological Education from the University of Massachusetts and a Honorary Doctorate from the University of Santa Monica, Parker College of Chiropractic and St. Ambrose University. Over the past 30 years, he has been a psychotherapist, an educational consultant, trainer and a leading authority in the areas of self-esteem, achievement motivation and peak performance.

I am so excited to have him on the show and share his wisdom with you!  I met Jack in Nov of 2007 right when his ‘Success Principles’ book came out.  Personally I was ready for some massive growth of my own and it was amazing to see how the information in this book really helped my growth goal visions come to pass even faster than I expected!  I look forward to sharing this with you too!

Have an amazingly prospersous day!

Debbra Sweet