Lead Yourself, Lead Others, Lead the Leaders

Lead Yourself Debbra Sweet 1It’s almost the end of January of 2015, and I’ve finally decided what my ‘theme of the year’ is going to be.

For me, this is a saying I’ve vocalized for many years now. Just not everyone has heard it yet. 🙂

This theme is more than just a focused statement for me though. It’s a value based approach I’ve lived for many years now.  “Lead Yourself, Lead Others, Lead the Leaders.”

I first introduced this statement in one of the books I wrote called “The Power of Leadership in Business Networking”.

Initially, this theme was just a chapter in the book. I was talking about how to really be a leader when you are networking. In that arena, there really is a flow to how one builds credibility in order to get referrals.

Over the last few years however, I have really come to understand the depth of this statement (theme of 2015). In all aspects of our life, if we are truly going to be our best, walk with integrity of body, mind and self; if we are to live a balanced, fulfilled life, understanding the importance of this ‘flow of leadership’ is important.

I personally believe that the majority of people in our country are living a life that is not in true harmony between their inner self and their outer self. Too many people are living under a shield of ‘survival’ without knowing it.  Their inner self yearns for one type of life, yet their outer self resides in a world, a way of living, based on other people’s beliefs and values.

How do I know this? I lived that way for years too.  I have also learned how to let go of other peoples beliefs for me – and learn to embrace what are really my core beliefs, value systems and vision for my businesses, my life. Now I love to help others make that same transformation.

Mind you, I recognize that not every single person experiences this disconnect. I have met people who are blessed from a very young age to know who they are, know what they were born to do, and have had a support system around them to help make that happen. I love meeting people like this because it gives me a different perspective about life.

However, in my world, the majority of the people I coach, teach, consult with, are not in alignment. They struggle with things like: lack of health, (too much weight, too many meds, increasing health issues due to their body being out of balance.).  I work with people who had a vision for themselves, but gave it up to the dreams and input of others around them.  Then there are others who are visionary, and always on the go- but are not sure how to create a team around them to make their vision a reality. They are great at doing, but not clear on how to inspire others to do the same.

In all these situations, the mindset (mantra? value system? concept?) of Lead yourself, Lead Others, Lead Leaders comes into play.

Whether your life is out of balance with your physicals (your body), your way of thinking or perceiving things (mind), and in your day to day profession (business)- the way to make a change that is lasting is to first slow down and make the commitment to: Lead Yourself.

What area(s) in your life need to get into a state of balance and vitality first? 

Do you lack health? You know you do if you are overweight, have many health symptoms and are unable to operate at peak performance. All these ‘symptoms’ are  ‘tells’ from your body that it needs attention from you.  To be your best for others, you must be your best for yourself first.

How you think affects all you do. This is a deep subject (One I’ve written about before), and will write about again. Your thinking encompasses more than just your day to day conscious thoughts. It gets into the deep, stored thoughts, beliefs and ideas you may not even recognize are the filters of your thinking.  Your thoughts dictate your actions, words and choices.

To lead yourself, not only might you need to change habits that relate to your physicals, but you might need to change your habits of your thinking.

Yes, this is not always easy or comfortable- but the outcome, the benefit of taking the time to learn to lead yourself so you live a life that is full of vitality, optimal health, resonate with an inner peace that shows in all your actions, words and outcomes- is worth every step of growth and temporary discomfort you may feel when letting go of old habits and beliefs.

To lead yourself takes time. The good news is: for lasting results, if you have the right kind of support in your life, you can experience a transformation wherein the journey is just as rewarding as arriving at the end destination.

When you understand and experience how to make changes in how you live, you then can inspire others. You begin to lead others – often as simple as them watching you.  When your thoughts, words and actions are in alignment; and when your inner and outer you are aligned- the power of you choices and way you present yourself each day- is remarkably motivating for others to do the same.

Finally, you can read a point of leading leaders if you so choose.

In sharing this declaration of my theme of the year with you, I recognize that I’m only scratching the surface of what is the real depth of understanding of “Lead Yourself, Lead Others, Lead Leaders”.

What area in your life or profession would benefit by improving your thoughts, actions, words?  Do you seek optimal health (without drugs, deprivation, ‘dieting’?) If so, let’s talk.   Do you seek to be a better leader in your life or business? If so, let’s talk. Are you already leading and you want to improve results with your time and efforts in your business so that you are more profitable and have more money? If so, let’s talk.

I do my best to live in a state of integrity of the inner and outer me, aligned with my vision and values. I do not claim to be the expert that knows everything, but I do coach, teach and train from a place of experiential compassion, understanding and patience.  Along my journey I’ve discovered tools, systems and resources that can help you thrive in Body, Mind and Business.

Ready to make your 2015 the Best Year Ever?

Connect with me here.  Tell me what areas you would like to see improvement in and let’s make it happen!

Have a magnificent day!

Debbra Sweet

TRC-Debbra-Sweet-Profile Pic





  • Professional Speaker
  • Award Winning Musician
  • Certified Coach, Consultant, Trainer
  • Contributing Author to the New York Times Best Seller “Masters of Sales”



Prenatal Vitamins Offer Relief from Morning Sickness

For professional women who are on the go at work will benefit from this information on how a specific prenatal vitamin can help greatly reduce and even stop morning sickness.

Women executives and career gals typically want to have the family and their business. Learning how to balance life and family takes time. One of the easy things a pregnant working female can do is be in leader in her own life by choosing to feed her baby and body with safe, quality prenatal vitamins.

The info on this link below provides a cost effective, convenient way for busy working pregnant women get the nutrition they need- and get relief from morning sickness at the same time.

Prenatal Vitamins Offer Relief from Morning Sickness.

What you need to know about the Thyroid and Nuclear Fallout

For those of you who know me,   I am not one to create drama. However- in this case, situations in the world are changing and this is an unusual circumstance  that many of us here may be affected by.  We don’t have control over the weather conditions from the other side of the world, or their ravages that are impacting many… but we do have control over how we take care of ourselves.

In this instance, I feel a little education will go a long way to give you a choice and options should you choose to be proactive to nourish and protector body as best as possible.

With the ongoing news, and increasing concerns about more nuclear explosions in Japan due to the recent tsunami- for those who want to take some protective measures to strengthen your body-and more importantly, do what you can to protect your thyroid, here’s a bit more information for you.

Seems that the first part of our body to be affected by nuclear fallout is the thyroid gland.

Depending upon your current state of health, you may need to strengthen your thyroid, or in some cases activate it.  Here are two products from Nature’s Sunshine can help you with that:

Thyroid Support

Thyroid Activator

The bigger concern, though is how to protect the thyroid from being ‘filled up’ with nuclear waste. The thyroid needs iodine. Iodine is found in abundance in seaweed, kelp, cod, along with a handful of other fishes.

How to protect your thyroid from the possible nuclear fallout coming our way

Nature’s Sunshine has available high-quality kelp, fish oils, and a product called Algin.

Algin is made from a brown seaweed. It is mucilaginous and bulking. That means it gets slippery inside of you, and it has a high fiber content so it bulks up inside your belly. The good part about this is that it coats the inside of your digestive system, and the bulk fiber helps to have more frequent healthy bowel movements.

Algae and other seaweed is exceptionally nutritious. It contains carbohydrates, oils, proteins, vitamins, trace elements, minerals and fibers in balanced proportions.

It is especially well known for it’s high levels of minerals (salts) and trace elements (metals), which are highly beneficial to human beings.

Algin is often used in food and pharmaceutical preparations. Algin offers especially good protection from many kinds of modern day pollutants, carcinogens, and toxins.

Algin prevents living tissue from absorbing radioactive materials. Algin also encourages the action of dietary fiber, by supplying nutrients, and by normalizing bowel functions.

Seaweed has been used as food by both humans and animals for thousands of years. Today, it is eaten in many Asian countries as a vegetable but when the knowledge of it’s high food value spreads to the western world many people have begun eating algae in tablet form.

Alginates have been widely used as food additives and in the cosmetic industry.

If you have any questions about this post, or like assistance in place in order, feel free to contact me.

My heart and intention with this post is to educate you- to help remove fears or concerns you may have.  God always provides an answer if we look, listen and take action.

May you be blessed in your day & steadfast in your walk.

Debbra Sweet

Health Coach

Certified Herb Specialist & Action Leadership Coach


Take two capsules three times daily between meals. Drink two glasses of juice with each serving. Any type of 100% juice will do. Juice should be taken with algin as it causes the algin to gel in the body and the acidity of juice helps breakdown the algin for assimilation. Remember, TWO glasses of juice with each dose.


Amount Per 2 Capsules: Sodium Alginate (from brown seaweed) 950 mg*

If you have any questions about this post, or like assistance in place in order, feel free to contact me.

*Daily Value not established

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, and water.

Notes: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

©2002 Nature’s Sunshine Products, Inc., Specialists Since 1972
Product of U.S.A.


The Untold Truth… A Secret Source of Avoiding Disease and Achieving Weight loss

Today I’ll share another insight on how to get your body back into balance, compliment the program I wrote about yesterday to achieve weight loss and even eliminate the following symptoms:

Allergies, arthritis, asthma, bad breath, constipation, Depression, fatigue, headaches, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, indigestion, insomnia, nervousness, obesity parasites, prostate problems, rash, sinus congestion, skin problems,  and even Varicose veins.

If you have experienced any of those and and want to discover the Untold Truth… A Secret Source of Disease...read on.   (Disclaimer.. this may get yucky for some people- but knowing this could save your life.)

Most of the food in the American diet, has a high amount of white flour and sugar, it is very hard to digest. Much of the impacted colon beer belly food that is sold in stores or made at restaurants, which we call convenient food, also has a lot of chemicals and preservatives.

Inside the body, these chemicals preservatives, white flour and sugar become glue.  When they get wet with something as simple as water, it turns to a gluey substance that sticks to the insides of our intestinal system.  The intestinal system is very important because it helps to take nutrients from the food and pass it into the blood stream to feed our body the fuel it needs.

When we have consumed too much white flour, sugar chemicals and processed foods, the path ways that are inside the small intestine and colon get blocked. The passage ways that transfer cellular fuel from our digested food are clogged with this gooey mess-and we get plugged up. Nothing moves.  We do not get the nutrition we need. The nutrition from the food cannot pass through the blockage and into the blood stream.  This is part of why people feel hungry.  Even after they just eat a huge meal.

Another thing that happens inside of the intestinal system is that when too much of this white flour glue sticks to our insides, it’s stickiness attracts more white flour sugar-based chemical preservative type food.  All of a sudden, you’ll start to have layers of the sticky gluey stuff ferment inside of your intestinal system.

Add to that sticky gluey mass undigested meat, fruit that rots if it’s not completely broken down, highly acidic and chemical ridden drinks such as: coffee filled with creamers, sweeteners and other artificial flavors, energy drinks, and sometimes even vitamins that get stuck in the gluey mass. Now you have is called an impacted colon.

Did you know that there have been autopsies on people who have died from complications of an impacted colon? Some colons gets so impacted that they can weigh 30 and 40 and even 50 pounds! That’s a lot of poop to be carrying around in your belly.  A healthy colon should weigh only about 4 pounds! (Think about all the people you know, who pat their belly and say they have “a steak and potato belly” – or better yet… ‘beer belly’ .   Those are the bellies that when you pat on the don’t jiggle the pretty solid.  The fact is, they probably are steak and potato bellies… steak and potatoes that never left the colon!)

Impacted colons ferment and are the cause of many diseases and symptoms listed above!

For optimal health, each person should be having one healthy bowel movement a day for each full meal they consume.  So if you eat three meals a day you should have a least three bowel movements a day.

Most Americans are shocked to hear that!   In fact, they think having one bowel movement every couple days is normal.  When it comes to weight loss and optimal health and impacted colon can cause a lot of problems.

So one of the tips that I recommend to my clients are to do colon cleanses at least twice a year.  In fact, it is always healthy to have non-chemical intestinal support herbs available for those times when you’re bowel movements become a regular. There is a special one if you eat red meat and another if you have more fish, turkey, or are vegetarian.

Also- most people who may have a ‘movement’ a day- can still be constipated. Your movements should be firm, fluffy and floaty.  If they sink (and stink)– you do no have enough healthy fiber. If they are too runny and wet- you do not have enough bulk.

For people who have a sensitive colon and inconsistent bowel movements, meaning: your cycle is the ‘little ploop, ploop, ploopers (kind of like grapes) one day, then solid the next time, and runny right after that- you need to be careful to cleanse with a gentle bulking cleanse. There are two I recommend. One is flavored apple cinnamon. The other is a berry flavor.

The colon is a muscle and it can be trained to work correctly- even if you are not having the type of movements or frequency you should.  I realize this is a sensitive subject – so if you want to chat privately to get more insight and guidance on how to get ‘moving’- contact me.

During my injury, my intestinal system shut down. Literally.  For a while there I was only having a movement about once a week to week and a half. Not fun. I was able to regain my colon health completely naturally – and still have a strong healthy colon today.  Pooping is important. It’s good for you- and when it comes to gaining health, vitality (and yes, even weight loss)- this is an area to take care of.

Another key to success for weight loss and gaining vitality is to make sure you drink enough plain water each day.  The body is 75% water, and if we do not drink enough plain water everyday we can actually start to slow down our metabolism and retain the water we have.  (Coffee tea soda juice, adult beverages are not water.)  Water is water-  and the body understands that. You can actually drink a lot of liquids and still be dehydrated.

Another success tip is to make sure you get at least seven hours of sleep each day.  The body needs to go back into a repair mode, and it does that when sleeping.

To recap the leadership health learning lesson today:

l.  Cleanse out the old garbage and impacted food

2.  Start to give yourself new nutritionally dense food

3.  Eat these smaller meals every 2-3 hours. ( Goal: at least 6 meals a day- include lean and green food)

4. Supplement with high quality supplements because the food that we eat does not bring with it the nutrition it once did.

5. Get a health coach– someone to help you through the changes and be a champion for your success.

6. Drink ½ your body weight in pure water each day

7. Sleep for at least 7 hours each night

Bonus: After a couple weeks on a new food intake program, introduce movement, (exercise) to help pick up your metabolism and add lean muscle.

Here’s to getting you MOVING for health!

Debbra Sweet

How I Lost 33 lbs of fat and have kept it off- part 1

In response to my posts and questions about how I lost weight and have kept it off, I will do my best to share what I’ve learned over the years. Part of what I am sharing, you may have heard before. Other parts of what I share may be new to you.  Being someone who has struggled with weight issues my whole life; I am pleased to share what I have learned and what I do to keep an optimal shape for health and vitality.


The first thing to understand for short term and long term success is that small changes that are done consistently, and with support of others, produce better results for long-term success.

The big picture basics for losing weight are here:

One: consume less calories each day.

Two: for most people, reducing their calorie intake for fat release will mean eating only about 1000 two 1200 calories per day.

Three: while you reduce your calories and adjust for long-term success, you want to eat nutrient dense food.

Bonus: Start your day with a small, nutrient dense breakfast- and then eat little meals every 3 hours. This keeps blood sugar levels evened out and your natural energy high.

Nutrient dense food is food that has lower calories, but higher nutritional value.  This becomes important for your weight loss in the long-term success, because the body will feel full with less food and less calories.  The sense of full helps stop eating too many calories.

The American diet, typically is filled with high calorie, chemical nutrient weak food.  This is why people are who consume a large amount of food in one sitting can still feel hungry.  Part of why they feel hungry, is that their body is not getting the actual cellular nutrition it needs to be healthy and function with vitality.

Did you know the average person consumes about 3500 calories a day!!!  It’s no wonder so many people are overweight. We only need about 1500-1800 a day to stay healthy, fit and active.

One of the easiest ways to acclimate to eating, lower calorie nutrient dense food is through program called Take Shape For Life. In fact, it was this program that I followed that helped me quickly and safely release 33 pounds of fat.  I did this over two years ago and have still kept the weight off!

Take Shape For Life is founded on the belief system of eating 5 nutrient dense meal replacements a day (to get used to eating smaller, calorie controlled meals) and one lean and Green meal a day for the 6th meal. The lean and green is a meal you make.  It’s based on whole foods- and you get to learn experientially how to make nutrient dense, portion controlled food.

This program is flexible (they have over 72 premade meals to choose from each month) and you get to decide when you want your daily lean and green. Breakfast, lunch, dinner- the choice is yours. They give you guidelines of food options to choose from and how much to eat. If you love to cook- you will enjoy these food options. If  you simply do the basics- this is very easy to do also.

The reason this program is so successful is you get FREE support with health coaches who have gone through the program themselves.  (As  your health coach  I understand some of the challenges and emotional or mental triggers that can cause you to over eat.)

For many people, food has attachments emotionally.  Some people eat when they’re stressed.  Some people eat when they’re bored.  Some people eat when they’re frustrated.  Sad or depressed.  Some people eat when they’re happy.  Some people turn to food to stuff their emotions.  So they don’t have to feel them.  Personally, I can relate to all of them.

The food that is used on the Take Shape For Life program is made by a company called Medifast.  Medifast was only available through doctors for many years. This food program has been helping thousands of people achieve successful long-term weight loss for over 30 years.  It is medically proven to be very safe and the food works because it is nutritionally dense, calorie controlled, very affordable and very convenient.  You don’t have to measure, count points, or even worry about having how you will fix your food on the go or at work. It’s grab and go- and tastes good.

The grab and go meals are the foundation that help your body acclimate to a reduced calorie intake. Yet the food is so nutritionally dense that you start to understand and experience what it is like to be full and satisfied on a smaller amount of food.

Studies have been done as to why so many people eat at the drive through. It’s not for flavor or cost.  The number one reason was : Convenience!!   What is great about the Take Shape for Life program is that it is SUPER Convenient.

The better parts are here: Rather than consume a 1000 calorie drive through burger in one meal-you can have 6 nutritionally dense, healthy meals a day!  Also- rather than drop $3-5 (0r more) for each stop you make for food on the go… the Take Shape for Life meals are only about $2 each.   Starting on the program is not an ‘in addition to’ food cost. It’s an ‘instead of’ adjustment of choice of food you eat.

Many of my clients are initially concerned in the beginning that they’re going to always be hungry.  I get to hear the same testimonial each time, though.  And that is, they are very thrilled and surprised at how full they always feel.  This is motivating for them during their weight loss and fat release phase.  I experienced the same concerns, and the same positive results.

This is part one of how I lost my weight. In fact, it was the easiest and most rewarding part! If you are ready to lose weight and keep it off- today is the day to start.

Call or email me and let me show you how this program can help you like it did me and many others I know!  I also offer online webinars on this subject and other health related topics for more details.  If you are interested in those, contact me and we can set them up.

Here’s to helping you be your best,

Debbra Sweet

Health Coach

Action Leadership Specialist

“People MoverI move people to
take action to get lasting results in their life and business”

Those Silly Questions Part 2

The question this year that I sought an answer for is: why do I do what I do? I have put a lot of thought to question-mark1that question.  And I believe I have the answer. The answer is simply because it’s what I am supposed to do.

My passion for wanting to show people there’s a better way started when I was about 12 or 13. I don’t know why, I don’t know how it started.  For many years I never really even talked about this.  It was just simply something that I knew, deep in my heart was a reason for putting my 150% into everything I do.

I believe that part of that passion came from a personal frustration of wanting to know more, to do more.  I was searching for answers for who I was and what my purpose in life was.  I did not know where to find those answers, and I sought out a lot of guidance from adult friends and people who were in my life.

Unfortunately, I never really got the answers from an external source.  I tried many things to discover what types of activities interests and work I liked, didn’t like, wanted to or did not want to do.

I knew from a young age that I wanted to be on stage in front of people blessing them with music but it seem like there was something more needed. That part of my vision seemed incomplete.  But what did complete it, was the understanding that my music and my words were a door (or a vehicle) to connect with people.

I knew that by being available to be a good friend and mentor to others that I could share with others who were searching for answers and support about their life- t that they did not have to a long sad and frustrated time trying to figure out their purpose in life.

Growing up, I had seen too many people with lines of hardship on their face.  They were good people, who had work ethic, family.  They usually had a job, but something always seemed to be missing.  Although they laughed, when I would look into their eyes, and I would hear how they would speak, what I picked up on all too often was a sense of sadness, loneliness and frustration. I could feel that they seemed stuck in their life.  I picked up on a sense of despair.  They were stuck in a rut called their life, and although options and choices and doors of opportunity were all around them.  They either didn’t see those doors, or they didn’t believe they could open them and walk through.  I would watch these people over the years, and that same hardness, sadness, loneliness and frustration never went away.

I was always the square peg in a round hole, and I realized from a very early age that geographically, where I lived, although it was in a small town, if I wanted something more, all I had to do was drive to a bigger town.

There were big towns all around us.  If you were willing to drive for an hour or two, the world could be your oyster.  I used to spend a lot of time in the library, and I would read books…lots of books.  Through reading I learned about life beyond the cities that surrounded us.  (this was way before PC’s and Google) Again, I knew that choices could be made and that resources were always around if you were willing to take a chance and reached out to somewhere beyond your comfort zone.

This is a lot of information for young girl to understand, but the fact is that I did.

It is still the same realization that is part of the passion that drives me to help other people step beyond their comfort zone to realize their dreams.

Technology has opened up a whole new world.  You don’t have to even have to leave your home anymore to open doors of opportunity!

So my passion to help people discover what doors they want to open and walk through, be empowered to make healthy, strong, solid choices -and avoid as many pitfalls as possible along the way- is even stronger than it was when I was a young girl.

So, when I ask myself why do (teach, lead, mentor, grow my businesses that provide valuable services, information, resources to help others be their best, be successful) …I do it- it is simply because I know, for me, it is the right thing to do.

What is it in your life that you want to do, you know you should do- but have been afraid to try? This is the year to take a step and open a door of opportunity for a new year and a new you!

Debbra Sweet

Caution: Tap Water Ahead! Part 1

tap-waterI heard last week on the local news that the city has decided (again) to ‘add more fluoride’ to our local  water supply.

Most people are unaware of how these little additions…(told to us by the government that they will “help”) are actually very harmful to our body.

These added chemicals are supposed to keep the water source pure and clean. Make it ‘sanitary’ they say.  However, these chemicals, get loaded up in our body and can actually cause problems for us.  Our body works in part as a filter.  Like any filter, you need to clean it and maintain it for the ‘filtering’ to be effective.  Too much toxic build up in the body from chemicals in our water can lead to joint pain, achiness, arthritis type symptoms and more.

For each of us, clean, pure, non chemically loaded water is important.  Our bodies are 3/4 water.   Having as clean of a water source going into our body is very important.   As we grow in our own personal leadership skill sets and decisions for our self and others also should encompass our health and well being.   Leaders are role models.  If you are sick and unhealthy- it is hard to inspire others to greatness.

Below is an article that I wrote about two years ago which was originally published in the San Diego Family Magazine.  I share some of the info I learned about our tap water. It talks about another chemical, chlorine, in the water supply. The issue of more flouride in the water is similar to the chlorine. They are both useful in some applications in life- but harmful if ingested.

Hopefully the info in the article will help you too.  I share about how we made some adjustments to our whole house water supply after learning the details of what is in tap water. If you need an alternate solution for your water supply, here is another  resource for you:  Nature’s Spring RO Water Filter,

Debbra Sweet

Caution: Tap Water Ahead!

By:Debbra Sweet

(c) 2007

Have you ever wondered why so many people don’t drink tap water? The reasons for this vary, but most say it’s because ‘the water doesn’t taste good’. Not surprisingly, your body knows what’s good for you. A recent water quality and safety study revealed that treated drinking water in the US often has higher chlorine levels in it than pool water!

As a mom with two young children, I found that information disturbing. I have always been an avid water drinker, but with the way our tap water tasted and smelled, I found myself drinking less. I even felt more tired and achy when I did. After I heard about the levels of contaminants in the average water piped into a house, I sought a solution—and now I want to share it with you.

Drinking Water Backgrounder
The following info should explain why your drinking water tastes funny: In 1974, Congress turned drinking water standards over to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA then established a national standard for allowable pathogen-causing bacteria and viruses in our drinking water. The Safe Drinking Water Act in 1986 further reduced the allowable amount of microbial contaminants—and increased the levels of chemicals like chlorine, ammonia and chloramines in the water.

In 1996, the EPA reduced the 1986 levels by almost 80% more. These new requirements were mostly met by increasing the amount of chemicals in the water again.

This has left us with lots of chemicals in our water and researchers are saying has caused a significant health impact. In fact, the EPA has released a study which states ‘exposure to levels of disinfectants over long periods of time may cause health problems, including damage to blood and kidneys.’ (Source: United States Office of Water EPA 816-R-01-014, Environmental Protection (4606) June 2001 Agency, Page 4 Paragraph 6)

What’s A High Level and Why Should Moms Be Concerned?
Here in San Diego, most public pools maintain chlorine levels at 1.5 ppm (parts per million). Common free chlorine levels measured in drinking water throughout San Diego County are approximately 2.15 ppm (with chloramine averaging 4.5 ppm)—that’s a full 30% higher than swimming pool water (Source: City of San Diego Water Department: 2006 San Diego Annual Water Quality Report Pg. 9). Considering that the body is made up of over 70% of water, the very building-block for your health, these numbers are disturbing.

You might be saying, “Well, I only drink bottled water, so this doesn’t affect me.” Unfortunately, you’re not safe: The average person still ingests the equivalent of 8 glasses of unfiltered tap water/day. How can this be, you ask? The answer lies in a study done by Dr. Lance Wallace, a senior scientist at the EPA: he credits two thirds of our chlorine exposure to inhaling/absorbing it while showering.

Apparently, shower steam can contain up to 50 times the chemical levels of tap water because chlorine and most other contaminants vaporize at a lower temperature than water. Inhalation is more harmful since the inhaled chlorine gas (chloroform) goes into the blood stream. Inhaling chlorine has been shown to be a cause of asthma and bronchitis, especially in children. Also, many of the chemicals in drinking water are linked to everything from sinusitis, sore throat, lung, kidney, rectal & breast cancer.

Today’s Solution.
The best solution at this time is a whole house carbon water filtration system that automatically cleans itself via ‘backflushing’ water. These amazing filters process every drop of water that comes into your home.

With one of these filters, your water will now be free of carcinogenic disinfectants—so it will taste like ‘bottled-water’, you and your children won’t inhale/absorb chemicals in your shower, your hair and skin will feel softer and you’ll extend the life of your appliances and copper pipes.

Call the Experts
I found my solution after talking with ‘CleanWaterMike’ Felsburg, a representative for San Diego-based Aquasource. Aquasource is a pioneer in whole house water filtration systems and ‘CleanWaterMike’ is passionate and knowledgeable about finding solutions to attaining safe tap water.

He explained the differences in systems and the level of water quality I’d receive from them. There are a few different blends and grades of activated carbon: the lowest – bitmous, mid level – pharmaceutical grade and the best – catalytic grade carbon.

At the very least, you want a filter of 100% pharmaceutical grade carbon to remove most of the carcinogens. Pharmaceutical grade carbon will improve water quality but will only slightly reduce the amount of chloramine gases in the water. Catalytic grade carbon has a quicker reaction rate that significantly reduces the amount of chloramine gas in your water…which is the main disinfectant that municipalities use in the water.

With my house water filtered by an Aquasource catalytic grade carbon filter, we’ve noticing a huge difference in how our water tastes, smells, and feels. I’m using less soap and shampoos, cleaning is easier and we’re already feeling better. I’ve become spoiled!

When you learn about the chemical levels in today’s drinking water, there is a moment of shock. But then, if you’ve stopped drinking tap water long ago because of the taste, this information helps it all make sense. Although this information is unsettling, the situation and solution is easy—you have a choice. The first step is to decide how important it is to your family’s health and then whether to install an in-home water filtration system like they one my family chose from Aquasource. You’ll have peace of mind and the tap water will again taste like water should.

Debbra Sweet

Action Leadership Specialist

Health & Wellness Coach

Rid Stretch Marks

Stretch Mark Skin RepairFor women who are just recently pregnant, or people who have had a change in their weight, moisturizers used on the skin may help prevent stretch marks . Though nothing is scientifically proven, anecdotal evidence supports the idea that using moisturizers fortified with vitamin A and vitamin E may help prevent stretch marks. Vitamin A and E are, after all, essential components in the epidermal (skin) maintenance system. Helping your body regulate and in some cases speed up the growth of new skin cells may help reduce the appearance and number of stretch marks when overall body volume is finally lost.

Watching your weight gain during pregnancy, weight lifting or simply for great health,  along with massaging your skin on a regular basis will help prevent and improve the appearance of stretch marks. It should be obvious to most of us that watching what one eats should be a priority in such a health conscious society as we live in. Regulating your weight and overall body volume will reduce the chance of stretch marks. Massaging the skin improves capillary circulation, and promotes new tissue growth. So, pass on that chocolate lava cake and tell your husband or wife that full-body massage  promised to you is long overdue.

After a change in weight or body mass,  if you find you do have stretch marks, here is an amazing product that was originally formulated to help skin cancer patients grow new, healthy, undamaged skin.

I recently started using this revolutionary product on myself for stretch marks, scars and other skin blemishes I’ve had for years. I am very thrilled to share with you an easy, safe and amazingly effective way to not only reduce these visual skin marks, but also it is safe for everyday use on your face too!

It has three patents on the product and has shown to produce incredible healthy skin for many types of skin types.  Two of the main ingredients are Vitamin E and Grape Seed Oil.  These have been shown to may help increase the strength and elasticity of the collagen within your skin.

It’s simple to use: Any where that you want to improve your skin, do your regular nightly bed time routine. all you do is roll this on each night before bed.  Then, once that is done, roll on the Skincerity® Skin Repair. It will create a ‘mask’ on your skin that ‘breathes’- yet stays on you until the morning. The ‘mask’ locks in the nourishing skin regenerating ingredients.

Upon waking up in the morning, simply wash off the Skincerity® mask.  You will begin to notice healthier skin developing with each days use.

Debbra Sweet


How to heal a scar in just a few days

Ok- so my friend and I met over coffee three weeks ago… and I couldn’t stop staring at her face. She just turned 51 – and her skin was AMAZING. (I have decent skin- but not like hers. ) So… before we leave she hands me this bottle and says it’s a skin repair system she’s been using and I should try it.

To be nice… to her, I accept- but not sure what to expect. I do what she says, wash my face before bed and then roll this stuff on. Wake up in the a.m. and wash it off.

Let’s just say- I have been secretly doing this for three weeks- and now I have to share!! Day one: I saw a big difference in how my face looked and felt. Each day.. keeps getting better.

This week.. again, I have told no one.. I had Three people in three days all stop dead in their tracks- look at my face- and ask “What did you do different.. your hair(?) … you look amazing!!”  I simply smiled and said- ‘no- not my hair-but my face’. Then I told them about this skin repair product and they’re all using it too. (Can’t wait to hear their story)

But today….. HOLY COW!! For those of you who’ve known me… I’ve had a big, nasty scar to the side of my left eye since I was 4. (I was attacked by a German Shepard). Most people don’t see it as I hide it a bit with my hair. Many stitches and it was big and deep. TODAY – after only three days of putting this skin repair product specifically on this scar…it is about 1/2 gone!!! I won’t tell you how old I am- but let’s just say, I’ve had this for many decades!! Now- I see it disappearing and new healthy skin growing where it was.

I have to share this with you – and if you want to know more- see this link http://www.mynucerity.com/rxnaturally/product.html and then , call me, email me- and let’s talk. I am so thankful to my friend for giving me that bottle!! It’s my turn to pay it forward.

Here’s to amazing skin days and watching how I can lead the way to help others feel and look fantastic too!

Debbra Sweet


Getting Your Wants and Needs Parallel

Learning how to manifest an abundant life is just that: learning.  You need to learn what to do, when to do it, why to do it, how to do and then know what to with the abundance you’ve received once you have it. Let’s recap from our previous blogs.  

 To manifest abundance here’s some of the growth steps we’ve covered:

  1. The most important thing you can do first is to clearly understand that you need to control your thinking- and you have the power and ability to do so.
  2. Know that everything that is in your life is a direct result of the choices you have made.  Everything you do revolves’ around choices.
  3. When choosing to create abundance in your life, you have to live intentionally.  You put momentum into your life when your thoughts are clearly, intentionally focused on what you want- (not on what you don’t want).
  4. Once you make the choice and create the vision you want for your life- begin by taking action.
  5. The next step is to create balance in your life.  Too much of anything is not healthy. To little of things is also not healthy.  
    Are your wants and needs balanced?

    Are your wants and needs balanced?















Today we’ll take a look at the importance of having your wants and needs parallel.  This is tied into the universal law of balance.    Physics has verified this – for every action, there is an opposite reaction.  The universe can only thrive (and actually exist) when there is balance.  Anything out of balance ultimately destroys itself- often resulting in catastrophe, damage, disease and even death.  

To create an abundant life, all areas of your life must be in balance. I shared that in the last few blogs.  Here’s how to understand the wants and needs being parallel. 


In order for the universe to supply you with abundance, what you want, what you need first must be: 

  1. Available
  2. You need to know how to get it
  3. You need to know what to do with it once you have it
  4. There needs to be equilibrium between your NEEDS and your WANTS- they must be equal

If you have a great need for something in your life, but little want (desire, vision, or motivation to take action to receive it)- you won’t get it.

If you have a great want for something in your life- but there is a not the equal amount of need- you won’t get it. 

Abundance is huge and all around us- but abundance doesn’t always relate to excess.   Extreme excess of any one thing can often turn into spoilage- it can become stagnant, can self rot, decay and destroy itself.  (Remember the importance of ‘balance’?) 

The excess desire – or a huge want- can often lead to a tunnel vision focus on that one thing. It can quickly become an obsessive desire- again, creating an imbalance in our lives.  

Learning to control your thinking, focus, desire and vision to allow for your wants and needs to be parallel (in harmony, balance) you begin to work within the universal law of balance.   This allows abundance to enter into your life. 

Take a look at what you focus your energy, thoughts and desires on?  Do you have an area where there is too much want – but not enough real need?  Is there something you really need- but you secretly, deep down inside do not want? 

If you are honest with your self about walking to intentionally create abundance, I encourage you to write this down. Make an inventory of your wants and needs. Where is the balance strong? Where is it out of alignment? 

Begin to shift your wants and needs, get them more in balance with each other- then create the vessel to allow the abundance to flow into your life. 

Have an abundant day,

Debbra  Sweet
