How to heal a scar in just a few days

Ok- so my friend and I met over coffee three weeks ago… and I couldn’t stop staring at her face. She just turned 51 – and her skin was AMAZING. (I have decent skin- but not like hers. ) So… before we leave she hands me this bottle and says it’s a skin repair system she’s been using and I should try it.

To be nice… to her, I accept- but not sure what to expect. I do what she says, wash my face before bed and then roll this stuff on. Wake up in the a.m. and wash it off.

Let’s just say- I have been secretly doing this for three weeks- and now I have to share!! Day one: I saw a big difference in how my face looked and felt. Each day.. keeps getting better.

This week.. again, I have told no one.. I had Three people in three days all stop dead in their tracks- look at my face- and ask “What did you do different.. your hair(?) … you look amazing!!”  I simply smiled and said- ‘no- not my hair-but my face’. Then I told them about this skin repair product and they’re all using it too. (Can’t wait to hear their story)

But today….. HOLY COW!! For those of you who’ve known me… I’ve had a big, nasty scar to the side of my left eye since I was 4. (I was attacked by a German Shepard). Most people don’t see it as I hide it a bit with my hair. Many stitches and it was big and deep. TODAY – after only three days of putting this skin repair product specifically on this scar…it is about 1/2 gone!!! I won’t tell you how old I am- but let’s just say, I’ve had this for many decades!! Now- I see it disappearing and new healthy skin growing where it was.

I have to share this with you – and if you want to know more- see this link and then , call me, email me- and let’s talk. I am so thankful to my friend for giving me that bottle!! It’s my turn to pay it forward.

Here’s to amazing skin days and watching how I can lead the way to help others feel and look fantastic too!

Debbra Sweet