What’s Your Priority Focused On?

Two days ago my youngest son and I were driving in my vehicle and the radio was on. We had been chatting aboutOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA things (sports, the weekend, etc.) There was a break in our conversation and suddenly over the airwaves was a voice on the radio that asked: “Are you putting God First or as a last resort?”

After the announcer finished the sentence, my son spoke up and said: “That’s a good question!”

So I asked him “ How about you? Do you put God first, or do you go to him as a last resort?”

He pondered this question and then answered, “ As a last resort. I like to try things on my own first.”

Then he asked me: “How about you Mom?”

My reply: “I do my best to keep God First, and not just for the big things. But the little, everyday, mundane things too. It’s about honoring the commitment I made to God years ago- to live and work for Him in all I do.”

I then went on to share that when I pray, I even pray for things like our laundry. He was really surprised to hear that. (My son, who is 13, has heard this before from me, but it was obvious he didn’t really get the significance of that as he was growing up.) I went on to explain that yes, I pray for God to bless our laundry, to keep the clothing from wearing out prematurely. (I have things I’ve worn for 20 years now that are classic, timeless styles and still are in great shape)

There are some days when I am praying 5 or 8 hours a day through out the day-and yes, sometimes my prayers are only 5-8 minutes day.

Putting God first is not just about prayer though. That is a part of it. The other part is about our actions, attitudes & beliefs. It involves how we steward things (the physicals, emotionally, spiritually, relationship wise, etc.)

There’s a flow to how spiritual alignment is supposed to be for us to have a full, abundant, blessed and protected life. This is very counterintuitive of how we as Westerners live. However, when you reprioritize your life to live in the following way, the blessings of God are clearly seen, felt, experienced- both big and small.

We should strive to live with stewardship in this manner:

1. God First
2. Self
3. Family
4. Business
5. Friends/Community/Country

Prayer isn’t just about asking for things either. A great spiritual relationship is based on a healthy conversation- one filled with acknowledgement, gratitude, thankfulness, and yes, communication for God to intercede for the lives and wellbeing of others.

Learning how to pray, what to pray for (not all things we pray for are available for God to fufill)- and then knowing what to do with the answers once prayers have been answered- are all keys to living a life with God first, so that He can help us prosper above all things, even as our soul prospers.

Where are you at today in your spiritual life? Just like all things; to be in spiritual health requires balance. Our God centered walk is the catalyst behind all other things. It’s the wind in our sails, the ‘gas’ that gives us the ‘go.

If you yearn to learn more, here are a couple other articles and teachings to help you understand why to put God First, How to do it –and the benefit to you when you do.



May you have a blessed and magnificent day!

Debbra Sweet

Word of the Year 2013: Discipline

Each year, I seem to identify with a specific word or a specific phrase that becomes my personal mantra Discipline2for the year.

It’s not so much that this is a mantra, it is more like a focal point that ties in with personal, business and spiritual goals I have for the year.

This year’s word is discipline.

When most people hear the word discipline the first thing that they tend to think about or recall is being disciplined or reprimanded by a parent or an authority figure.

Discipline by dictionary definition is:

1. training to act in accordance with rules; drill: military discipline.
2. activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training: A daily stint at the typewriter is excellent discipline for a writer.
3. punishment inflicted by way of correction and training.
4. the rigor or training effect of experience, adversity, etc.: the harsh discipline of poverty.
5. behavior in accord with rules of conduct; behavior and order maintained by training and control: good discipline in an army.
6. to train by instruction and exercise; drill.
7. to bring to a state of order and obedience by training and control.
8. to punish or penalize in order to train and control; correct; chastise.
1175–1225; Middle English < Anglo-French < Latin disciplīna instruction, tuition, equivalent to discipul ( us ) disciple + -ina -ine2

The choice of the word discipline as my word for 2013 has to do with the discipline required to stick to commitment.

Diligence brings about the discipline to be able to focus and to ignore or remove distractions when needing to stay on purpose and on point.

In this case the discipline is not a harsh word.

In fact, discipline is one of the key things you will find that is a personal core value or personal attribute  in most successful people.

And by successful people –I am not talking just about financially successful people. I am referencing people who have often overcome hardships in the life, as well as people who have decided to stick to the commitments they made-whether big or small.

As we kick off 2013-I ask you: What resolutions, commitments or goals have you made?

What do you need to do or change to give yourself the space, time, effort and energy to be disciplined and follow through on those things?

For me, this is a year of Quantum Growth. The foundations have been laid for many years. Now we build and launch. 🙂

Here’s to discipline– and seeing new big growth goals come to pass!

Debbra Sweet 

Listening to God for Making Good Decisions – Skills Needed for Servant Leadership

When we talk to people about their views on leadership, many people do understand the best leaders are clear that part of their role and responsibility is to serve. Servant Leadership is taking on new popularity as more people want leaders who are ethical, honest, have integrity and can serve for the betterment of others.

 This is a video which talks about a key skill set needed to be a great servant leader. The video teaches about listening to God and uses off road dirt biking as an example.

God gives us knowledge, wisdom and instruction. Learn to hear from God through holy spirit. Christians should practice proactive thinking vs. reactive thinking for making good decisions under pressure. This takes focus and discipline.

As I continue to grow in my leadership roles, I practice this skill set daily. As an expert Christian public speaker on the subject of Leadership, I share with you insights that will help you too.

 For more information about my public speaking, training, consulting, or leadership work, visit: http://www.debbrasweet.com/speaking-leadership.html

Ride safe and be strong!


Overcoming Obstacles in Everyday Life

It seems like this past week was full of unusual challenges for many people.  Challenges, obstacles and stumbling blocks will always show up in our lives. The thing to ask yourself when they do is: “What do I want to focus on? The challenge… or the ways to overcome it?”

Leaders have a common focus when it comes to overcoming obstacles.  Here’s a short video I did earlier this year that is appropriate at any time. I share an insight with you to help you understand how those who lead think when times get tough.

After you watch- please share with others you know who are currently struggling with obstacles and challenges.




Overcoming Obstacles in Everyday Life by Debbra Sweet

Prayer Day for USA An Urgent Call to Prayer for our Nation in Crisis:Turning to God for Help in Saving our Nation

God’s Word First Christian Ministry will be participating in The Response prayer event by holding a National Prayerwe-the-peopleDay for USA Conference Phone Call on Saturday, August 6, 2011.

Open invite to everyone. Listen to the call and pray with us in spirit for God to save the USA.

Click Here to read the full story and get Put your first name and best email into the form on the page http://www.gods-word-first.org/national-prayer-day.html

Then click “Sign up!”to join us in prayer. We will email you the call in phone number along with date, time and other relevant info.

Read more info below for some of the reason why this day is important:

What’s Going On:

The United States of America is in trouble. That much we can all agree on. The finer details are debatable. But it doesn’t matter who’s to blame, Democrats, Republicans (or any other political party), the current President, your local government, The Fed, major corporations, Big Pharma, etc… The main source of the problem comes down to all of us, “We the People”.

The USA was founded on Christian principles. As a nation, the dominant religion has been Christianity (including all forms and denominations). God and His commandments were always at the core of our foundation and the decisions we made. And we as a nation prospered in every way because of it.


God’s Word, the church and strong religious beliefs used to be integral to most Americans in their personal lives. As the people in our nation have been slowly drifting away from God, their churches and away from basic Christian values, our nation as a whole has been suffering.

The best way to fix ANY problem is to
treat the cause, not the symptoms.

The problems our nation is facing today are not insurmountable to God. We can fix all our problems, both personal and national, but not by treating the symptoms. The following is a short list of symptoms due to a larger problem we as a nation are facing. Symptoms such as:

  • “the war on drugs”
  • “illegal immigration”
  • unrest in the Middle East
  • a failing economy in recession

All these and more can be solved by faith in God and by all agreeing to hold ourselves and each other accountable to good values.

The main problem we need to solve, the problem
that is at the core of all our symptoms,
is our separation from God.

When we as individuals are close to God then we personally enjoy the benefits of His blessings. When we as individuals are all close to God and come together as a group, as in a nation of people, then we collectively enjoy God’s blessings and protection.

The people in our once great nation have been slowly drifting away from God over the last 100 years. The evidence (symptoms) of this separation can be seen in the eroding of our family units, broken families, soaring divorce rates, increased abortions, increased domestic violence, crime in the streets, governmental corruption, etc.

Works of the Flesh vs. Fruit of the Spirit

As a nation we are in a financial recession heading into a full depression. A full financial collapse is imminent if we stay on the same path of disobedience to God. The people of our nation are suffering increasing instances of severe environmental conditions such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and earthquakes. These are all symptoms of a much larger problem looming over us. That problem is separation from God, His blessings and his protection.

Although it’s true that individuals who remain close to God are protected. But we live in a nation among others who are not protected, who are straying from God and His righteous values. This falling away of others affects all of us.

The Old Testament is full of examples of where God’s people strayed from Him and then reaped the consequences of their actions: Famine, pestilence, drought, poverty, wars, invasion and slavery. Our nation is on the brink of disaster. We are seeing some of these very same things happening to us right now, and it’s only going to get worse unless “We the People” repent and turn our hearts back to God TODAY.

“We the People” Must Turn to God as our Founding Forefathers Once Did”

Click here to read more of the why you should pray with us on Aug 6th- why to spread the invite with others you know- and how to join in prayer Aug. 6th.

May you be humble and bold. May you be peaceful and blessed.

Thank you for spreading this invite so God can perform a mighty miracle in our day and time!



My Red Stilettos – Judge not lest ye be judged

To those who have issue with  pictures of me up on FB or ‘my past’… my past is what made me who I am today.  In fact, I’m not done yet. Music, rock and roll, high heels, fun clothes, and a ROCK SOLID stand on God’s word is the foundation of who I am.  It will not change.   God has placed a calling upon me- and it has been there for years.

My past is not clean, nor pretty. It is not all filled with happy times. In fact, it is layered with the depths of the things that keep people in bondage and away from God.  That is PRECISELY why I stay true to who I am – because God was able to give me the guidance to overcome those chains- and gave me the ability to create a new life based on HIS word. Now, I reach out to others who are currently where I was- yet who seek a guidance, a mentor- a friend and confidant to lean on as they come out of their dark times.

In fact- Just this last week alone I was able to give strong, Godly counsel to 4 people around the country who are currently coming back to God. They reached out to me and were not offended by my past or who I am today.

I lead with a Rock & Roll Attitude- you can read more about that here: https://debbrasweet.wordpress.com/2010/02/28/leading-with-a-rock-n-roll-attitude/

Red StillettosOne of the organizations where I am a leader, teacher and mentor in a very public way is lead by one of my most dear, ultra proper and grammatically correct and conservative friends.  She has given me a large responsibility over HER business.  She knows of my past and knows who I am today.

One of the best compliments she ever gave me to my style and the results I deliver… was “Debbra leads with very tall red stillettos!”

She has made it public that my work for her in the area of leadership has had a major- beneficial – impact on hundreds of lives here in San Diego. She is a very proper, loving and God Fearing woman… and she embraces me for who I am today as a result of my past.

I know my audiences. I ALWAYS carry myself with dignity, grace and class. I always did. I always will. I always remember I am Gods Representative first. When I need to be demure and proper, I do. When I need to be bold and stand firm on the truth- even when naysayers and backbiters are stirring up strife because they are not comfortable with themselves, growth or change- I stand.

When you read the Bible, you will see that Peter, Paul and even Jesus himself had boldness. Peter and Paul were not perfect in their walk- yet God had a purpose for them because of their past.  Because of their past and their heart for God-they were able to bring thousands to God.

If you judge me or Daniel because of a photo (especially from a long time ago)- you are off the Word. The Bible tells us to not judge- lest ye be judged.

My ministry is in my words and in my life as an example for others to see. My words come in many forms- written (my books), spoken (the public speaking, teaching, training and one on one mentoring I do)- and yes…. my music. My vocal music ranges a variety of styles. We have the peaceful, calming, acoustic sounds for those who prefer that type. We have edgy, fun, Top 40 and progressive Rock & Roll. The words in this music cuts through the heart to get to the truth. The truth is simple as Christ says:  “Either you be with me or you be against me”.

Until you have personally come to know me- and my stand for God- it is best to take a look at your own heart first.  Where is YOUR stand?

God tells us to steward our body for health sake – it is NOT God’s job to continually heal due to slothfulness of caring for ourselves.  I was in good shape then- I am in better shape today. God tells us to steward our mind- what is it you think upon?  Where do your thoughts lead you?  God tells us to steward or spiritual life. Do YOU pray daily in continually in perfect prayer? Do you speak in tongues continually as we are instructed by Paul? Do you steward your finances? Are YOU continually practicing God’s spiritual laws for abundance through tithing (of your time, finances, heart, plurality of physical things)?

God tells us to LOVE HIM and with ALL(inclusively) of our Heart, our Mind, our Soul and our Spirit.

I do. I work out, eat clean, and teach others how to do it too. I have learned how to steward my physical wellbeing. I have been in the depths of extreme physical maladies that would stop most people cold in their tracks. Most would give up. I did not. I used those times to strengthen myself and my knowledge of the body and its ability to heal naturally based on God’s word and ways.

God makes us responsible for that which we know. I know a LOT about this. I now teach others how to do the same.  One way I do that is I help others detox physically who have lived in that dark world where the common way to fill the void in their heart is only through drugs, sex, alcohol, etc. We can detox the physicals and feed them with the Word so they do not go back to those ways. You can be Rock & Roll-still have fun and STAND for God.

I help newly pregnant moms have a healthy baby and pregnancy. (www.NoMorningSickness.com) I help others shed toxic fat  www.RxNaturally.TSFL.com

I also help others get rid of cholesterol, reduce and overcome things like diabetes, colon problems, issues with cancer, and a host of other things. This is all part of teaching others balance, healthy living based upon a lifestyle of making changes starting from were they are today.

I monitor my thoughts and input daily. The words I write, speak, teach and yes… sing…. are inspired of God and give searching minds and hearts the truth so they have new information to counter act all the garbage that holds them in bondage without God.

I tithe – financially – 10% of my financial first fruits, as well as I give at least 10% of my time daily to serve God. There are days when it’s all about God. I work for HIM first.  I pray continually. I speak in tongues all the time. It is my spiritual shield and buckler that guides my steps. It is my 24/7 direct connection to God. And yes..I even speak in tongues in my dreams at times.

This calling has been increasing and soon you will see more Rock & Roll type pictures.

You will see pictures of me as a mom, as a friend, having fun, riding motorcycles,  being strong, living life and most importantly… through it all – you will see my foundation, built upon God- will never change or go away. Only my knowledge on God’s word will continue to grow, my outreach and boldness to share and connect to others who are searching will widen- and those who I need to connect to- will find me because of who I am.

Keep the faith and Keep Rockin’

Debbra Sweet

How I Lost 33 lbs of fat and have kept it off- part 1

In response to my posts and questions about how I lost weight and have kept it off, I will do my best to share what I’ve learned over the years. Part of what I am sharing, you may have heard before. Other parts of what I share may be new to you.  Being someone who has struggled with weight issues my whole life; I am pleased to share what I have learned and what I do to keep an optimal shape for health and vitality.


The first thing to understand for short term and long term success is that small changes that are done consistently, and with support of others, produce better results for long-term success.

The big picture basics for losing weight are here:

One: consume less calories each day.

Two: for most people, reducing their calorie intake for fat release will mean eating only about 1000 two 1200 calories per day.

Three: while you reduce your calories and adjust for long-term success, you want to eat nutrient dense food.

Bonus: Start your day with a small, nutrient dense breakfast- and then eat little meals every 3 hours. This keeps blood sugar levels evened out and your natural energy high.

Nutrient dense food is food that has lower calories, but higher nutritional value.  This becomes important for your weight loss in the long-term success, because the body will feel full with less food and less calories.  The sense of full helps stop eating too many calories.

The American diet, typically is filled with high calorie, chemical nutrient weak food.  This is why people are who consume a large amount of food in one sitting can still feel hungry.  Part of why they feel hungry, is that their body is not getting the actual cellular nutrition it needs to be healthy and function with vitality.

Did you know the average person consumes about 3500 calories a day!!!  It’s no wonder so many people are overweight. We only need about 1500-1800 a day to stay healthy, fit and active.

One of the easiest ways to acclimate to eating, lower calorie nutrient dense food is through program called Take Shape For Life. In fact, it was this program that I followed that helped me quickly and safely release 33 pounds of fat.  I did this over two years ago and have still kept the weight off!

Take Shape For Life is founded on the belief system of eating 5 nutrient dense meal replacements a day (to get used to eating smaller, calorie controlled meals) and one lean and Green meal a day for the 6th meal. The lean and green is a meal you make.  It’s based on whole foods- and you get to learn experientially how to make nutrient dense, portion controlled food.

This program is flexible (they have over 72 premade meals to choose from each month) and you get to decide when you want your daily lean and green. Breakfast, lunch, dinner- the choice is yours. They give you guidelines of food options to choose from and how much to eat. If you love to cook- you will enjoy these food options. If  you simply do the basics- this is very easy to do also.

The reason this program is so successful is you get FREE support with health coaches who have gone through the program themselves.  (As  your health coach  I understand some of the challenges and emotional or mental triggers that can cause you to over eat.)

For many people, food has attachments emotionally.  Some people eat when they’re stressed.  Some people eat when they’re bored.  Some people eat when they’re frustrated.  Sad or depressed.  Some people eat when they’re happy.  Some people turn to food to stuff their emotions.  So they don’t have to feel them.  Personally, I can relate to all of them.

The food that is used on the Take Shape For Life program is made by a company called Medifast.  Medifast was only available through doctors for many years. This food program has been helping thousands of people achieve successful long-term weight loss for over 30 years.  It is medically proven to be very safe and the food works because it is nutritionally dense, calorie controlled, very affordable and very convenient.  You don’t have to measure, count points, or even worry about having how you will fix your food on the go or at work. It’s grab and go- and tastes good.

The grab and go meals are the foundation that help your body acclimate to a reduced calorie intake. Yet the food is so nutritionally dense that you start to understand and experience what it is like to be full and satisfied on a smaller amount of food.

Studies have been done as to why so many people eat at the drive through. It’s not for flavor or cost.  The number one reason was : Convenience!!   What is great about the Take Shape for Life program is that it is SUPER Convenient.

The better parts are here: Rather than consume a 1000 calorie drive through burger in one meal-you can have 6 nutritionally dense, healthy meals a day!  Also- rather than drop $3-5 (0r more) for each stop you make for food on the go… the Take Shape for Life meals are only about $2 each.   Starting on the program is not an ‘in addition to’ food cost. It’s an ‘instead of’ adjustment of choice of food you eat.

Many of my clients are initially concerned in the beginning that they’re going to always be hungry.  I get to hear the same testimonial each time, though.  And that is, they are very thrilled and surprised at how full they always feel.  This is motivating for them during their weight loss and fat release phase.  I experienced the same concerns, and the same positive results.

This is part one of how I lost my weight. In fact, it was the easiest and most rewarding part! If you are ready to lose weight and keep it off- today is the day to start.

Call or email me and let me show you how this program can help you like it did me and many others I know!  I also offer online webinars on this subject and other health related topics for more details.  If you are interested in those, contact me and we can set them up.

Here’s to helping you be your best,

Debbra Sweet

Health Coach

Action Leadership Specialist

“People MoverI move people to
take action to get lasting results in their life and business”

Those Silly Questions Part 2

The question this year that I sought an answer for is: why do I do what I do? I have put a lot of thought to question-mark1that question.  And I believe I have the answer. The answer is simply because it’s what I am supposed to do.

My passion for wanting to show people there’s a better way started when I was about 12 or 13. I don’t know why, I don’t know how it started.  For many years I never really even talked about this.  It was just simply something that I knew, deep in my heart was a reason for putting my 150% into everything I do.

I believe that part of that passion came from a personal frustration of wanting to know more, to do more.  I was searching for answers for who I was and what my purpose in life was.  I did not know where to find those answers, and I sought out a lot of guidance from adult friends and people who were in my life.

Unfortunately, I never really got the answers from an external source.  I tried many things to discover what types of activities interests and work I liked, didn’t like, wanted to or did not want to do.

I knew from a young age that I wanted to be on stage in front of people blessing them with music but it seem like there was something more needed. That part of my vision seemed incomplete.  But what did complete it, was the understanding that my music and my words were a door (or a vehicle) to connect with people.

I knew that by being available to be a good friend and mentor to others that I could share with others who were searching for answers and support about their life- t that they did not have to a long sad and frustrated time trying to figure out their purpose in life.

Growing up, I had seen too many people with lines of hardship on their face.  They were good people, who had work ethic, family.  They usually had a job, but something always seemed to be missing.  Although they laughed, when I would look into their eyes, and I would hear how they would speak, what I picked up on all too often was a sense of sadness, loneliness and frustration. I could feel that they seemed stuck in their life.  I picked up on a sense of despair.  They were stuck in a rut called their life, and although options and choices and doors of opportunity were all around them.  They either didn’t see those doors, or they didn’t believe they could open them and walk through.  I would watch these people over the years, and that same hardness, sadness, loneliness and frustration never went away.

I was always the square peg in a round hole, and I realized from a very early age that geographically, where I lived, although it was in a small town, if I wanted something more, all I had to do was drive to a bigger town.

There were big towns all around us.  If you were willing to drive for an hour or two, the world could be your oyster.  I used to spend a lot of time in the library, and I would read books…lots of books.  Through reading I learned about life beyond the cities that surrounded us.  (this was way before PC’s and Google) Again, I knew that choices could be made and that resources were always around if you were willing to take a chance and reached out to somewhere beyond your comfort zone.

This is a lot of information for young girl to understand, but the fact is that I did.

It is still the same realization that is part of the passion that drives me to help other people step beyond their comfort zone to realize their dreams.

Technology has opened up a whole new world.  You don’t have to even have to leave your home anymore to open doors of opportunity!

So my passion to help people discover what doors they want to open and walk through, be empowered to make healthy, strong, solid choices -and avoid as many pitfalls as possible along the way- is even stronger than it was when I was a young girl.

So, when I ask myself why do (teach, lead, mentor, grow my businesses that provide valuable services, information, resources to help others be their best, be successful) …I do it- it is simply because I know, for me, it is the right thing to do.

What is it in your life that you want to do, you know you should do- but have been afraid to try? This is the year to take a step and open a door of opportunity for a new year and a new you!

Debbra Sweet

Those Silly Questions Part 1

Over the years I have been asked many times, “How do you do it?”  To those posing that question, I question-markswould ask  back, “How do I do what?”

They would reply, “How do you do all that you do?”  Then they would start to rattle off some of the businesses and activities that I’m currently involved.

I would simply smile and honestly tell them : “I don’t do it alone.  I have a great husband, who helps me with many things, and I have great teams of people that believe in what I do and part of my support system.  It is working together as a team that we are able to leverage time. That allows me to do what I do best, which is to have a vision, create a structure, refine a system to help us reach our goals, and then I manage and lead by example.”

Other people have come to me and privately told me: “You are amazing.  Or, “You are so good at what you do.”  For many years when I hear those types of statements I was always a little puzzled.  In fact, I would look at the person who just spoke those words and say “Thank you”….  And then ask them to clarify.

The reason for this is that I didn’t know what I did, that they were referencing. This type of conversation about me ‘being good at what I do’ privately bothered me, because I did not understand.  I could not see what it was that others were noticing in me.  So I decided to start asking more people to describe what it is I do.

This took some time and the feedback and insights I received were very profound.  In fact, it was when one person said “That’s easy.  You’re people mover”, I felt an impact on my heart.  I knew that those words were something important.

So I asked my friend to tell me more, to explain what she meant.  She smiled, and very confidently said ‘Debbra, you move people to take action.  You are able to show people -by what you do, through the words you speak, and how you live your life as a leader with integrity – that it is possible to have goals and dreams and achieve them.”  She continued, “You give people the courage to follow through on their dreams, and then you show them how to do it so they know that they can and that they’re not alone.”

That conversation was a changing point in my understanding of who I am.  It was pivotal because it brought a lot of personal thoughts and questions I had about myself together. I asked her if I could use those words the next time somebody says, what do you do?  She smiled and said, “Of course”.

Having a clear understanding now of what I do – that other people see (and feel) is powerful. It helped to ground me in my resolve to continue ‘doing what I do’- and know that I am helping others along the way.

So- Here’s my silly question to you today:  What is a dream you have always had that you’ve been afraid or hesitant to go for?  If money or time were no option,  what is it that you would LOVE to do?

If you are ready to take action towards that dream, share it here- and then let’s see what it will take for you to make that dream happen!

Debbra Sweet


The Desert is a Great Exfoliant

Ocotillowells Sand WashThis Thanksgiving weekend I spent time in the desert with friends, family and new acquaintances.  Part of our personal family tradition has been to go out to the desert for the days after Thanksgiving to ride, play in the dirt and relax.

This weekend I made the comment to my husband that the desert is a great exfoliant!  At first I was talking about the sand on my face. It was windy at times and I was recalling that each time I return from a desert ride, after a hot shower and cleaning off of all that sand, my face and skin were always softer and brand new. The sand is a natural abrasive, so when you wash up, it gently removes old skin cells leaving new, baby soft skin that has been underneath to the surface.

As I was reflecting on the adventures of the weekend, I had some insights on just how much ‘exfoliating’ was done- and how important this concept is for your growth in many areas.

Big Hills, Soft Sand and the Ultimate GPS System


When you ride in the desert- if you don’t pay close attention to visual markers of where you are, it’s really easy to get lost. In fact, there’s more than 80,000 acres of desert to get lost in where we ride!!

mom and quinnOne of the things I was teaching my youngest son, Quinn, about this weekend was “Always be aware of your surroundings”.  I told him- “You can’t always depend on other people to lead you and know where you are going. It’s important to pay attention to the path you go on, notice the fine details and landmarks, so that if you ever get lost- you can lead yourself (and others) back to safety.”

Quinn gets very funnel visioned, as do many people. He focuses in on certain details, but misses others, so this was a great exercise for him. He kept choosing markers that were common and easy to get confused on. He chose fire-pits, trees, and even parked vehicles (campers).  I shared with him that the fire-pits and trees may not be big enough to notice quickly. He saw right away that the campers wouldn’t always worked because some moved! (The drove away and left to go back home.)

We kept working on this and then he started to get it. I pointed out that for best safety and direction, sometimes you need to find the really big markers with distinct unique characteristics. Something that will stand out at a moments notice. The ones that have always been there- but now you look at them from a new perspective.  We looked at shapes, dips, divots of the big hills. We looked at the coloring of the sand. (Some was white, some would be orange, some was very soft, others areas were very filled with big rocks.)

The change in terrain helps you navigate the pathways as you can memorize or recall patterns in the sand. (Patterns that reoccur are opportunities for us to learn great lessons on and off the dirt.)

The biggest ‘aha’ that came to Quinn was when we got up high on hills and saw the really big land marks that you could see for miles around. They had always been there to guide, but now he saw them from a different viewpoint. We were able to use these as part of tracking our way back to our campground.

So here’s the beginning of real learning lessons:

I knew where we were, where we needed to end up at, I knew the markers and I was decently familiar with this chunk of land.  However- I left with out my cell phone (risk taking) and I got lost on purpose.


To push myself into a new level of trust of the benefit you get when you step outside a comfort zone. Also, to teach my son that he too, can lead – and does.  We had to rely on each other for team work and support. We had to rely upon each other to endure.  (We rode for a very long time- and for an 8 year old on a smaller bike, this ride was quite a trek.)  We had to have confidence that if our quads broke down, we could figure out how to fix them on our own. We also had to be ready to do what ever it took to get back to camp safely, before dark- no matter what.

This trek in the desert is starting to sound a lot like daily life…..

There are real obstacles and threats in the desert. At night fall, it gets cold- quite cold. When the sun goes down, it goes down fast. There are real threats with wild animals out there.  Yet- in the desert, like in daily life- you cannot change those obstacles. Obstacles will always be there. It’s how you chose to overcome (or prevent being injured or sidetracked from) those obstacles that count.

The Big Hills and Soft Sand – Take the risk or ride around them?

the desert we play in 2I used this ride to exfoliate a few hang ups I still had about big hills and soft sand.  On many rides in years past, if I saw a big hill (looked like a ‘mountain’ in my mind) early on, I would choose the safe road and ride around the bottom. I always got to the other side safely, albeit, I missed the adventure and camaraderie of the guys who took the hill. My logic was “I didn’t mind going up them- I just didn’t like the ‘coming down’ part.”  In taking this attitude, yes, I was safe, but my rides gave me minimal change to grow.

In recent years, I’ve become much more confident in my riding skills, so those big hills  and soft sandy areas were still sometimes nerve wracking- but I would do it. I would follow others up the hills and through the sand. I watched where they placed their wheels so I could still be safe. I could see what to do.. and what not to do.

On this trip though… I was the leader. The only way to get back to camp was to, on my own, go over ‘them big hills and through the vast amounts of soft sand (soft sand makes it easy to fall on a bike).   I had to lead myself and my son back to camp.

So… I exfoliated my remaining nervousness concerning the threats and potential dangers with those obstacles and just went for it. Funny thing… those hills and patches of sand were only scary in my head. Going for it, I proved to myself that I can still push through those comfort zones, remove fear and increase confidence in my skill sets along the way.    I had no one to rely on to follow their path. I had to cut it on my own. At the same time of exfoliating any remaining hang ups I had about that, I taught my son that he could do the same. Learning lessons like this show no respect to age- it’s all about attitude and a heart that is willing to try.

Just like in life, when presented with a big choices- do you take the easy way around the bottom of the hill, never learning anything new – never giving yourself a chance to grow… or… do you bite the bullet and ‘go for it’? What is it in your life you need to exfoliate? What can you gently wipe away the layers of old thinking on to reveal new, healthy perspectives and attitudes around to help you achieve your goals?

The Ultimate GPS System


About ½ way through our ride, my son and I paused for a moment. I was looking around at the markers, choosing our next path. He pulled up beside me and asked “Mom- do you have your cell phone?” He was asking me if I could call back to camp and ask for help.


I told him, “Nope- I do not have the phone. Instead, we have the Ultimate GPS system” otherwise known as the “God Protective System”, the “God Planning System” and the “God Positioning System”.

My son is learning the Word, and he knows that God’s word says that we can be in direct connection with God at all times if we walk by the Holy Spirit. On this ride, I had been in constant prayer with God, thanking Him to show me where to go. I simply talked to Him with thanks, kept my belief strong that we were safe, and then paid attention to the markers that God showed me.

God is with us at all times- we should not just turn to Him in times of trouble, sorrow or desperation. If it takes us breaking down (emotionally, physically, spiritually) to come to Him- then that’s great. (We get ego out of the way.) However, God is there for us ALL the time- if WE go to HIM.

HE is the ultimate GPS system and can help us navigate through, over, around obstacles of any size, any terrain under any circumstances if we let him.  It takes us being still in the moment, being willing to step out of our comfort zone and go for it!  Walking with God takes the willingness to take a risk and trust in Him and His logic. HIS logic is not mans logic. HE will show you the markers you need along the way to navigate your path with safety and success… and you will be able to exfoliate those layers of fear, worry and doubt along the way!

Here’s to more sand in your face as you choose to ride the big sandy hills!


